A Penny Stocks screener, typically smaller or younger companies trading at a price below 5, with a focus on solid financial health that should present companies with a lower risk profile than other early-stage businesses
467 companies
Company | Last Price | 7D Return | 1Y Return | Market Cap | Analysts Target | Valuation | Growth | Div Yield | Industry | ||
STB | UK£3.49 | 0.3% | -47.6% | UK£66.6m | UK£15.58 | PB0.2x | E32.7% | 7.9% | Banks | ||
TSTL | UK£3.89 | 1.6% | -14.6% | UK£185.3m | UK£4.57 | PE28.6x | E17.5% | 3.5% | Healthcare | ||
ULTP | UK£1.16 | 3.6% | -28.4% | UK£99.1m | UK£1.89 | PE9.4x | E10.8% | 6.4% | Retail | ||
LUCE | UK£1.29 | -1.1% | 1.7% | UK£198.6m | UK£2.02 | PE10.9x | E7.4% | 3.8% | Capital Goods | ||
MEGP | UK£2.09 | -1.0% | 62.6% | UK£785.6m | UK£2.63 | PE14.8x | E7.0% | 3.8% | Consumer Services | ||
BEG | UK£0.95 | -5.0% | -16.7% | UK£149.9m | UK£1.51 | PE61.1x | E46.5% | 4.3% | Commercial Services | ||
NFG | UK£4.23 | -1.7% | -47.6% | UK£420.2m | UK£7.73 | PE6.9x | E-8.0% | 3.6% | Media | ||
IDHC | US$0.44 | 0.2% | 12.8% | US$254.0m | US$0.56 | PE15.8x | E23.7% | n/a | Healthcare | ||
SRB | UK£1.18 | 10.3% | 237.1% | UK£89.4m | UK£1.44 | PE5.7x | E37.8% | n/a | Materials | ||
SRAD | UK£1.38 | -0.4% | 14.1% | UK£175.1m | UK£1.77 | PE11.3x | E14.6% | 5.6% | Consumer Durables | ||
FSG | UK£4.09 | -2.2% | 2.3% | UK£468.5m | UK£6.30 | PE15.3x | E23.5% | 5.6% | Diversified Financials | ||
OTB | UK£2.38 | 3.5% | 34.2% | UK£396.6m | UK£2.43 | PE19.6x | E22.2% | 1.3% | Consumer Services | ||
FRP | UK£1.50 | -3.5% | 6.0% | UK£369.0m | UK£2.03 | PE16.8x | E5.2% | 3.3% | Diversified Financials | ||
IPX | UK£2.35 | -28.8% | -56.3% | UK£300.3m | UK£4.80 | PE8.2x | E5.2% | 11.7% | Diversified Financials | ||
CAML | UK£1.58 | -4.4% | -12.7% | UK£274.9m | UK£2.39 | PE8.6x | E12.6% | 11.2% | Materials | ||
RTC | UK£1.00 | -2.4% | 66.7% | UK£13.6m | n/a | PE6.9x | n/a | 5.6% | Commercial Services | ||
SUP | UK£1.67 | -0.3% | 48.4% | UK£194.7m | UK£2.25 | PE8.2x | E-9.0% | 2.8% | Retail | ||
MIDW | UK£2.84 | 0.4% | -34.4% | UK£290.6m | UK£4.81 | PE12.9x | E-5.6% | 5.8% | Tech | ||
HTG | UK£2.91 | -4.6% | 5.4% | UK£461.0m | UK£5.02 | PE4.4x | E-7.9% | 3.0% | Energy | ||
BOWL | UK£2.95 | -11.4% | 1.4% | UK£507.6m | UK£4.05 | PE14.4x | E6.5% | 5.2% | Consumer Services | ||
CCT | UK£2.64 | -2.6% | -8.7% | UK£49.4m | UK£5.06 | PE9x | n/a | 7.2% | Consumer Durables | ||
VANL | UK£0.37 | -3.9% | -1.3% | UK£40.0m | UK£0.64 | PE9.5x | E19.7% | 3.2% | Capital Goods | ||
KITW | UK£3.17 | -0.9% | 26.3% | UK£255.0m | UK£4.73 | PE14.4x | E18.2% | 3.6% | Consumer Retailing | ||
HUW | UK£2.30 | 1.8% | 49.8% | UK£164.1m | UK£2.39 | PE9.3x | E16.9% | 2.6% | Insurance |