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EV Titan: Finally Slade

DailyInvestorsNot Invested
Community Contributor
March 10 2025
March 10 2025
DailyInvestors's Fair Value
161.1% overvalued intrinsic discount
10 Mar

The true definition of a "Bullish Signals" is sometimes played out to Truly Be a Bearish Signal. Tesla is one that proves that controlling the media can truly bring any company to where they are. But if we take a deeper look into what is actually going on with Tesla, this hopefully story for some turns into a tragic nightmare for many. Tesla currently being down 15% today after dropping drastically the last several weeks. Investors are starting to get confused by all this mixed up media. Tesla is currently be over-valued by Team Tesla at over 100%. If you compare the likes of Tesla to their rivals RIVN and LI. Both have been reporting better overall quarterly reports, and releasing newer Technology that will guarantee a increase in their overall net gross. Tesla now on the underhand has been hyped up to much by the media, based on all available data Tesla did not make their last earnings, proving to millions that they already are currently over-valued. Tesla being downgraded every week, is a curse for some but a little advice here from Team Daily, play the signals, the inverses are paying double. Team Daily cleared 30+% just today. If your not well positioned, are best advice study the indicators and maybe Tesla will drop to where they deserve around the likes of LI or RIVN at under $100 a share.

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