YLI Holdings Berhad Balance Sheet Health

Financial Health criteria checks 5/6

YLI Holdings Berhad has a total shareholder equity of MYR136.6M and total debt of MYR7.6M, which brings its debt-to-equity ratio to 5.5%. Its total assets and total liabilities are MYR165.5M and MYR28.9M respectively. YLI Holdings Berhad's EBIT is MYR37.0M making its interest coverage ratio 333.5. It has cash and short-term investments of MYR19.4M.

Key information


Debt to equity ratio

RM 7.58m


Interest coverage ratio333.5x
CashRM 19.45m
EquityRM 136.62m
Total liabilitiesRM 28.92m
Total assetsRM 165.54m

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Financial Position Analysis

Short Term Liabilities: YLI's short term assets (MYR121.3M) exceed its short term liabilities (MYR27.7M).

Long Term Liabilities: YLI's short term assets (MYR121.3M) exceed its long term liabilities (MYR1.2M).

Debt to Equity History and Analysis

Debt Level: YLI has more cash than its total debt.

Reducing Debt: YLI's debt to equity ratio has reduced from 38% to 5.5% over the past 5 years.

Debt Coverage: YLI's operating cash flow is negative, therefore debt is not well covered.

Interest Coverage: YLI's interest payments on its debt are well covered by EBIT (333.5x coverage).

Balance Sheet

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