AmRest Holdings SE

WSE:EAT Rapporto sulle azioni

Cap. di mercato: zł4.1b

AmRest Holdings Gestione

Gestione criteri di controllo 2/4

Al momento non disponiamo di informazioni sufficienti sull'amministratore delegato.

Informazioni chiave

Luis Jimenez

Amministratore delegato


Compenso totale

Percentuale dello stipendio del CEOn/a
Mandato del CEO3.5yrs
Proprietà del CEOn/a
Durata media del management4yrs
Durata media del Consiglio di amministrazione5.6yrs

Aggiornamenti recenti sulla gestione

Recent updates

Is It Time To Consider Buying AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)?

Dec 17
Is It Time To Consider Buying AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)?

AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Is Experiencing Growth In Returns On Capital

Oct 08
AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Is Experiencing Growth In Returns On Capital

Revenues Tell The Story For AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)

Sep 10
Revenues Tell The Story For AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)

AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Seems To Use Debt Quite Sensibly

Aug 01
AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Seems To Use Debt Quite Sensibly

There's Been No Shortage Of Growth Recently For AmRest Holdings' (WSE:EAT) Returns On Capital

May 28
There's Been No Shortage Of Growth Recently For AmRest Holdings' (WSE:EAT) Returns On Capital

What Is AmRest Holdings SE's (WSE:EAT) Share Price Doing?

May 10
What Is AmRest Holdings SE's (WSE:EAT) Share Price Doing?

Some Confidence Is Lacking In AmRest Holdings SE's (WSE:EAT) P/E

Apr 17
Some Confidence Is Lacking In AmRest Holdings SE's (WSE:EAT) P/E

Is AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) A Risky Investment?

Feb 15
Is AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) A Risky Investment?

Return Trends At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Aren't Appealing

Jan 18
Return Trends At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Aren't Appealing

AmRest Holdings SE's (WSE:EAT) Share Price Not Quite Adding Up

Dec 19
AmRest Holdings SE's (WSE:EAT) Share Price Not Quite Adding Up

Returns At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Appear To Be Weighed Down

Oct 12
Returns At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Appear To Be Weighed Down

Estimating The Intrinsic Value Of AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)

Sep 20
Estimating The Intrinsic Value Of AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)

Is It Time To Consider Buying AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)?

Sep 05
Is It Time To Consider Buying AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)?

Is AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) A Risky Investment?

Jun 06
Is AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) A Risky Investment?

Returns On Capital At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Have Hit The Brakes

May 10
Returns On Capital At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Have Hit The Brakes

AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Could Be Struggling To Allocate Capital

Feb 02
AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Could Be Struggling To Allocate Capital

What Does AmRest Holdings SE's (WSE:EAT) Share Price Indicate?

Nov 26
What Does AmRest Holdings SE's (WSE:EAT) Share Price Indicate?

Returns On Capital At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Paint A Concerning Picture

Sep 20
Returns On Capital At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Paint A Concerning Picture

At zł18.70, Is AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT) Worth Looking At Closely?

Aug 03
At zł18.70, Is AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT) Worth Looking At Closely?

Is AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) A Risky Investment?

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Is AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) A Risky Investment?

A Look At The Fair Value Of AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)

Apr 29
A Look At The Fair Value Of AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT)

Here's Why AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Has A Meaningful Debt Burden

Apr 05
Here's Why AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Has A Meaningful Debt Burden

AmRest Holdings' (WSE:EAT) Returns On Capital Not Reflecting Well On The Business

Feb 25
AmRest Holdings' (WSE:EAT) Returns On Capital Not Reflecting Well On The Business

AmRest Holdings' (WSE:EAT) Performance Is Even Better Than Its Earnings Suggest

Nov 16
AmRest Holdings' (WSE:EAT) Performance Is Even Better Than Its Earnings Suggest

These 4 Measures Indicate That AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Is Using Debt Extensively

Oct 25
These 4 Measures Indicate That AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Is Using Debt Extensively

The Returns On Capital At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Don't Inspire Confidence

Sep 29
The Returns On Capital At AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Don't Inspire Confidence

Is AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Weighed On By Its Debt Load?

Jul 03
Is AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Weighed On By Its Debt Load?

Earnings Release: Here's Why Analysts Cut Their AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT) Price Target To zł29.28

May 15
Earnings Release: Here's Why Analysts Cut Their AmRest Holdings SE (WSE:EAT) Price Target To zł29.28

AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Has Debt But No Earnings; Should You Worry?

Mar 29
AmRest Holdings (WSE:EAT) Has Debt But No Earnings; Should You Worry?


Luis Jimenez



Mr. Luis Comas Jimenez is Chief Executive Officer of AmRest Holdings SE from June 30, 2021. He was President of La Tagliatella.

Gruppo dirigente

Jose Gutierrez
Executive Chairman7.2yrs€218.00kNessun dato
Luis Jimenez
Chief Executive Officer3.5yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Henry McGovern
Founderno data€586.00kNessun dato
Eduardo Escamilla
Chief Financial Officerno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Daniel Del Río Benítez
Chief Operations Officer3.4yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Robert Zuk
Chief Information Officer7.6yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Mauricio Meza
General Counsel3.6yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Santiago Perez
Chief Marketing Officerno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Ismael Moreno
Chief People Officerno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Ramanurup Sen
Food Services President6.2yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Jacek Niewiadomski
Chief Internal Audit & Control Officerno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Eduardo Rodríguez-Rovira
Secretary of the Board of Directors6.8yrsNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media

Gestione esperta: Il team dirigenziale di EAT è considerato esperto (durata media dell'incarico 4 anni).

Membri del Consiglio di amministrazione

Jose Gutierrez
Executive Chairman7.2yrs€218.00kNessun dato
Carlos Gonzalez
Honorary Chairman1.9yrs€30.00kNessun dato
Luis Álvarez Pérez
Vice-Chairman of the Board7.2yrs€83.00kNessun dato
Romana Sadurska
Independent Director5.6yrs€110.00kNessun dato
Pablo Reparaz
Lead Independent Director7.2yrs€110.00kNessun dato
Emilio Botella
Independent Director5.6yrs€110.00kNessun dato
Monica Diaz
Independent Director4.4yrs€110.00kNessun dato
Begona Garcia
Director1.6yrs€53.00kNessun dato


Durata media


Età media

Consiglio di amministrazione esperto: I membri del consiglio di amministrazione di EAT sono considerati esperti (durata media dell'incarico 5.6 anni).

Analisi aziendale e situazione dei dati finanziari

DatiUltimo aggiornamento (ora UTC)
Analisi dell'azienda2024/12/27 13:46
Prezzo dell'azione a fine giornata2024/12/27 00:00
Guadagni annuali2023/12/31

Fonti dei dati

I dati utilizzati nella nostra analisi aziendale provengono da S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. I seguenti dati sono utilizzati nel nostro modello di analisi per generare questo report. I dati sono normalizzati, il che può comportare un ritardo nella disponibilità della fonte.

PacchettoDatiTempisticaEsempio Fonte USA *
Dati finanziari della società10 anni
  • Conto economico
  • Rendiconto finanziario
  • Bilancio
Stime di consenso degli analisti+3 anni
  • Previsioni finanziarie
  • Obiettivi di prezzo degli analisti
Prezzi di mercato30 anni
  • Prezzi delle azioni
  • Dividendi, scissioni e azioni
Proprietà10 anni
  • Top azionisti
  • Insider trading
Gestione10 anni
  • Team di leadership
  • Consiglio di amministrazione
Sviluppi principali10 anni
  • Annunci aziendali

* esempio per i titoli statunitensi, per quelli non statunitensi si utilizzano forme e fonti normative equivalenti.

Se non specificato, tutti i dati finanziari si basano su un periodo annuale ma vengono aggiornati trimestralmente. Si tratta dei cosiddetti dati TTM (Trailing Twelve Month) o LTM (Last Twelve Month). Per saperne di più , cliccate qui.

Modello di analisi e Snowflake

I dettagli del modello di analisi utilizzato per generare questo report sono disponibili sulla nostra pagina Github; abbiamo anche guide su come utilizzare i nostri report e tutorial su Youtube.

Scoprite il team di livello mondiale che ha progettato e realizzato il modello di analisi Simply Wall St.

Metriche di settore e industriali

Le nostre metriche di settore e di sezione sono calcolate ogni 6 ore da Simply Wall St; i dettagli del nostro processo sono disponibili su .

Fonti analitiche

AmRest Holdings SE è coperta da 14 analisti. 4 di questi analisti ha fornito le stime di fatturato o di utile utilizzate come input per il nostro report. Le stime degli analisti vengono aggiornate nel corso della giornata.

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