OB Stock Overview
Operates a technology platform that connects media owners and advertisers with engaged audiences to drive business outcomes worldwide. More details
Snowflake Score | |
Valuation | 5/6 |
Future Growth | 5/6 |
Past Performance | 2/6 |
Financial Health | 6/6 |
Dividends | 0/6 |
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Price History & Performance
Historical stock prices | |
Current Share Price | US$6.54 |
52 Week High | US$7.87 |
52 Week Low | US$3.42 |
Beta | 1.41 |
1 Month Change | -1.06% |
3 Month Change | 29.51% |
1 Year Change | 58.74% |
3 Year Change | -52.23% |
5 Year Change | n/a |
Change since IPO | -67.30% |
Recent News & Updates
Recent updates
Outbrain Inc.'s (NASDAQ:OB) Shares Bounce 35% But Its Business Still Trails The Industry
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Dec 14Earnings Update: Here's Why Analysts Just Lifted Their Outbrain Inc. (NASDAQ:OB) Price Target To US$6.60
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Oct 06Outbrain Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.19 misses by $0.15, revenue of $250.9M beats by $4.47M
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May 04Outbrain Inc. (NASDAQ:OB) Shares Could Be 32% Below Their Intrinsic Value Estimate
Jan 13Shareholder Returns
OB | US Interactive Media and Services | US Market | |
7D | -4.0% | -2.7% | -0.4% |
1Y | 58.7% | 32.3% | 20.8% |
Return vs Industry: OB exceeded the US Interactive Media and Services industry which returned 37.2% over the past year.
Return vs Market: OB exceeded the US Market which returned 23.7% over the past year.
Price Volatility
OB volatility | |
OB Average Weekly Movement | 8.5% |
Interactive Media and Services Industry Average Movement | 8.0% |
Market Average Movement | 6.0% |
10% most volatile stocks in US Market | 18.0% |
10% least volatile stocks in US Market | 3.1% |
Stable Share Price: OB has not had significant price volatility in the past 3 months compared to the US market.
Volatility Over Time: OB's weekly volatility (9%) has been stable over the past year.
About the Company
Founded | Employees | CEO | Website |
2006 | 942 | David Kostman | www.outbrain.com |
Outbrain Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates a technology platform that connects media owners and advertisers with engaged audiences to drive business outcomes worldwide. It offers a suite of solutions for media owners that facilitates content discovery and monetization for its media partners on their own sites; Onyx by Outbrain, a branding platform; AI platform that delivers customized experiences; engaging video experiences for publisher audience development and advertiser purposes; tools and services to promote organic editorial experiences to their audiences, enhancing audience engagement, recirculation, and monetization opportunities; and Keystone by Outbrain technology that extends ad server optimization. The company also provides advertising solutions for advertisers, including ad experiences, such as standard native, carousel and app install ads, outstream video, contextual pre-roll video, and high-impact display; AI-powered prediction engines; Conversion Bid Strategy tool that uses engagement data and machine learning to optimize bid strategies to hit the advertiser’s desired campaign goals; data comprising targeting offerings based on consumer interest segments, as well as complex offerings that predict audience characteristics based on contextual and interest data; Outbrain platform, which enables advertisers to optimize campaign goals, engagement, and delivering other measurable business outcomes; and full-stack buying solutions.
Outbrain Inc. Fundamentals Summary
OB fundamental statistics | |
Market cap | US$646.32m |
Earnings (TTM) | US$3.51m |
Revenue (TTM) | US$903.52m |
P/E Ratio0.7x
P/S RatioIs OB overvalued?
See Fair Value and valuation analysisEarnings & Revenue
OB income statement (TTM) | |
Revenue | US$903.52m |
Cost of Revenue | US$714.25m |
Gross Profit | US$189.27m |
Other Expenses | US$185.76m |
Earnings | US$3.51m |
Last Reported Earnings
Sep 30, 2024
Next Earnings Date
Feb 27, 2025
Earnings per share (EPS) | 0.038 |
Gross Margin | 20.95% |
Net Profit Margin | 0.39% |
Debt/Equity Ratio | 0% |
How did OB perform over the long term?
See historical performance and comparisonCompany Analysis and Financial Data Status
Data | Last Updated (UTC time) |
Company Analysis | 2025/02/20 06:45 |
End of Day Share Price | 2025/02/20 00:00 |
Earnings | 2024/09/30 |
Annual Earnings | 2023/12/31 |
Data Sources
The data used in our company analysis is from S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. The following data is used in our analysis model to generate this report. Data is normalised which can introduce a delay from the source being available.
Package | Data | Timeframe | Example US Source * |
Company Financials | 10 years |
| |
Analyst Consensus Estimates | +3 years |
Market Prices | 30 years |
| |
Ownership | 10 years |
| |
Management | 10 years |
| |
Key Developments | 10 years |
* Example for US securities, for non-US equivalent regulatory forms and sources are used.
Unless specified all financial data is based on a yearly period but updated quarterly. This is known as Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) or Last Twelve Month (LTM) Data. Learn more.
Analysis Model and Snowflake
Details of the analysis model used to generate this report is available on our Github page, we also have guides on how to use our reports and tutorials on Youtube.
Learn about the world class team who designed and built the Simply Wall St analysis model.
Industry and Sector Metrics
Our industry and section metrics are calculated every 6 hours by Simply Wall St, details of our process are available on Github.
Analyst Sources
Outbrain Inc. is covered by 9 analysts. 2 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.
Analyst | Institution |
Ross Sandler | Barclays |
Zachary Cummins | B. Riley Securities, Inc. |
Daniel Day | B. Riley Securities, Inc. |