Keppel Infrastructure Trust

SGX:A7RU Rapporto sulle azioni

Cap. di mercato: S$2.6b

Keppel Infrastructure Trust Gestione

Gestione criteri di controllo 2/4

Keppel Infrastructure Trust Il CEO è Kevin Neo, nominato in Oct2023, ha un mandato di 1.42 anni. possiede direttamente 0.003% delle azioni della società, per un valore di SGD 68.73K. La durata media del mandato del team dirigenziale e del consiglio di amministrazione è rispettivamente 3.7 anni e 3.2 anni.

Informazioni chiave

Kevin Neo

Amministratore delegato


Compenso totale

Percentuale dello stipendio del CEOn/a
Mandato del CEO1.4yrs
Proprietà del CEO0.003%
Durata media del management3.7yrs
Durata media del Consiglio di amministrazione3.2yrs

Aggiornamenti recenti sulla gestione

Should You Take Comfort From Insider Transactions At Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)?

Mar 15
Should You Take Comfort From Insider Transactions At Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)?

Recent updates

Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Intrinsic Value Is Potentially 39% Above Its Share Price

Mar 05
Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Intrinsic Value Is Potentially 39% Above Its Share Price

Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Anemic Earnings Might Be Worse Than You Think

Feb 10
Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Anemic Earnings Might Be Worse Than You Think

Getting In Cheap On Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Is Unlikely

May 22
Getting In Cheap On Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Is Unlikely

Here's Why Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Has A Meaningful Debt Burden

Apr 19
Here's Why Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Has A Meaningful Debt Burden

Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Promising Earnings May Rest On Soft Foundations

Feb 07
Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Promising Earnings May Rest On Soft Foundations

Does Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Sep 15
Does Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

A Look At The Intrinsic Value Of Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)

Jun 20
A Look At The Intrinsic Value Of Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)

Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Dividend Will Be SGD0.0191

Feb 01
Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Dividend Will Be SGD0.0191

Is There An Opportunity With Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) 34% Undervaluation?

Nov 02
Is There An Opportunity With Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) 34% Undervaluation?

Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Takes On Some Risk With Its Use Of Debt

Sep 27
Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Takes On Some Risk With Its Use Of Debt

Shareholders Can Be Confident That Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Earnings Are High Quality

Feb 02
Shareholders Can Be Confident That Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Earnings Are High Quality

Is There An Opportunity With Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) 36% Undervaluation?

Nov 02
Is There An Opportunity With Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) 36% Undervaluation?

Does Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Apr 10
Does Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Should You Take Comfort From Insider Transactions At Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)?

Mar 15
Should You Take Comfort From Insider Transactions At Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)?

Here's What Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Shareholder Ownership Structure Looks Like

Feb 22
Here's What Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Shareholder Ownership Structure Looks Like

Should Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Be Part Of Your Dividend Portfolio?

Jan 26
Should Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Be Part Of Your Dividend Portfolio?

Did You Participate In Any Of Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Respectable 56% Return?

Jan 05
Did You Participate In Any Of Keppel Infrastructure Trust's (SGX:A7RU) Respectable 56% Return?

These 4 Measures Indicate That Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Is Using Debt Reasonably Well

Dec 16
These 4 Measures Indicate That Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Is Using Debt Reasonably Well

What Do The Returns At Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Mean Going Forward?

Dec 01
What Do The Returns At Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU) Mean Going Forward?

What Kind Of Investors Own Most Of Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)?

Nov 18
What Kind Of Investors Own Most Of Keppel Infrastructure Trust (SGX:A7RU)?


Kevin Neo (43 yo)



Mr. Tzu Chao Neo, also known as Kevin, is Chief Executive Officer at Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte. Ltd, Trustee-Manager of Keppel Infrastructure Trust since October 1, 2023. He served as Deput...

Gruppo dirigente

Tzu Chao Neo
Chief Executive Officer of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte. Ltd.1.4yrsNessun dato0.0027%
SGD 68.7k
Teong Ming Bay
Chief Financial Officer of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltdless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
Elaine Cheong
Director of Investor Relations & Sustainabilityno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Marc Liu
Head of Portfolio Management & Optimisation - Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd1.2yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Chih Chi Foo
Senior Vice President of Investment - Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltdno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Matthew R. Pollard
Advisor3.7yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Wei Ming Tan
Company Secretary of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd4.3yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Yee Sheng Chiam
Company Secretary of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd2.3yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Kwan Teo
Head-Regulations & Technical Support Div & Project Director-Special Projects Div -City Gas Pte Ltdno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Shyang Lee Khung
Senior Finance Manager of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd9.8yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Hee Koh
Senior Adviser of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd14.8yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Ching Sian Chow
Senior Finance Manager of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd8.9yrsNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media


Età media

Gestione esperta: Il team dirigenziale di A7RU è considerato esperto (durata media dell'incarico 3.7 anni).

Membri del Consiglio di amministrazione

Kin Sze Ng
Independent Director of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte. Ltd.1.8yrsS$44.30k0.0053%
SGD 135.4k
Hock Huat Ee
Non Executive Independent Chairman of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd9.8yrsS$143.00k0.0091%
SGD 232.8k
Poh Hwa Khor
Independent Directorless than a yearNessun dato0.00040%
SGD 10.2k
Pengee Chan
Non-Executive Independent Director of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte. Ltd.2.4yrsS$80.41k0.0019%
SGD 49.8k
Kah Chong Yeo
Non-Executive Independent Director of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd9.6yrsS$105.00k0.0078%
SGD 198.8k
Hua Mui Tan
Non-Executive & Non-Independent Director of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd8.5yrsS$86.00kNessun dato
Suk Shien Chong
Independent Non-Executive Director of Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte Ltd4yrsS$73.05kNessun dato
Chin Chin Eng
Non-Executive & Independent Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media


Età media

Consiglio di amministrazione esperto: I membri del consiglio di amministrazione di A7RU sono considerati esperti (durata media dell'incarico 3.2 anni).

Analisi aziendale e situazione dei dati finanziari

DatiUltimo aggiornamento (ora UTC)
Analisi dell'azienda2025/03/19 08:27
Prezzo dell'azione a fine giornata2025/03/19 00:00
Guadagni annuali2024/12/31

Fonti dei dati

I dati utilizzati nella nostra analisi aziendale provengono da S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. I seguenti dati sono utilizzati nel nostro modello di analisi per generare questo report. I dati sono normalizzati, il che può comportare un ritardo nella disponibilità della fonte.

PacchettoDatiTempisticaEsempio Fonte USA *
Dati finanziari della società10 anni
  • Conto economico
  • Rendiconto finanziario
  • Bilancio
Stime di consenso degli analisti+3 anni
  • Previsioni finanziarie
  • Obiettivi di prezzo degli analisti
Prezzi di mercato30 anni
  • Prezzi delle azioni
  • Dividendi, scissioni e azioni
Proprietà10 anni
  • Top azionisti
  • Insider trading
Gestione10 anni
  • Team di leadership
  • Consiglio di amministrazione
Sviluppi principali10 anni
  • Annunci aziendali

* Esempio per i titoli statunitensi, per i titoli non statunitensi si utilizzano forme e fonti normative equivalenti.

Se non specificato, tutti i dati finanziari si basano su un periodo annuale ma vengono aggiornati trimestralmente. Si tratta dei cosiddetti dati TTM (Trailing Twelve Month) o LTM (Last Twelve Month). Per saperne di più.

Modello di analisi e Snowflake

I dettagli del modello di analisi utilizzato per generare questo report sono disponibili sulla nostra pagina Github; abbiamo anche guide su come utilizzare i nostri report e tutorial su Youtube.

Scoprite il team di livello mondiale che ha progettato e realizzato il modello di analisi Simply Wall St.

Metriche di settore e industriali

Le nostre metriche di settore e di sezione sono calcolate ogni 6 ore da Simply Wall St; i dettagli del nostro processo sono disponibili su Github.

Fonti analitiche

Keppel Infrastructure Trust è coperta da 7 analisti. 2 di questi analisti ha fornito le stime di fatturato o di utile utilizzate come input per il nostro report. Le stime degli analisti vengono aggiornate nel corso della giornata.

Patrick YauCitigroup Inc
null nullCredit Suisse
Shaun TanCredit Suisse