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The easiest way to discover top stocks

Our analysts put together a curated collection of good quality stock screeners with predefined criteria to guide your search. Whether you’re seeking value, dividend, or growth stocks, you will find a screener to get started and tweak the criteria towards your desired results.

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Simply save a screener as your own and receive an email each week when we find new stocks for you. You can now relax and get back to researching when the next best companies are detected for you.

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Snowflake filtering with additional taggings

Let the Snowflake do the heavy lifting

Our comprehensive 30-point analysis highlights the strengths of each stock, focusing on 5 crucial areas: Valuation / Future Growth / Past Performance / Financial Health / Dividend Quality

Simply drag the axis to aim at the characteristics that you care about.

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Advanced filters

Get specific with Advanced Filters

Know exactly the kind of stocks you want? Switch on the advanced metric filters, designed for ease of use.

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Dive deeper faster with interactive insights

3 minutes is all it takes to gain the insights you need about any company in the world. Our unbiased research framework takes the hard work away and prevent you from being swayed by market noise.

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Excellent 4.4

Happy screening!

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