Tofas Türk Otomobil Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

IBSE:TOASO Stock Report

Market Cap: ₺110.4b

Tofas Türk Otomobil Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi Management

Management criteria checks 1/4

We currently do not have sufficient information about the CEO.

Key information

Cengiz Eroldu

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentagen/a
CEO tenure9.7yrs
CEO ownershipn/a
Management average tenure8.2yrs
Board average tenure2.8yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates


Cengiz Eroldu



Mr. Cengiz Eroldu has been the Chief Executive Officer of TOFAS Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi A.S. since January 2015. Mr. Eroldu served as the Chief Financial Officer of TOFAS Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi A.S. until...

Leadership Team

Cengiz Eroldu
CEO & Executive Non-Independent Director9.7yrsno datano data
Fabrizio Renzi
CFO & Financial Director6.7yrsno datano data
Devran Aydin
Accounting Manager & Investor Relations Executiveno datano datano data
Omer Cetinoglu
Information & Communication Technologies Director8.2yrsno datano data
Mehmet Agyüz
Financial Risk & Investor Relations Managerno datano datano data
Arzu Yazgan
Corporate Communications Director12.7yrsno datano data
Mahmut Karacan
Sales Director9.1yrsno datano data
Orcun Sarica
Human Resources Director3.7yrsno datano data
Kudret Önen
Non-Independent Directorless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Management: TOASO's management team is seasoned and experienced (8.2 years average tenure).

Board Members

Cengiz Eroldu
CEO & Executive Non-Independent Director9.7yrsno datano data
Kudret Önen
Non-Independent Directorless than a yearno datano data
Sergio Duca
Independent Director6.5yrsno datano data
Omer Koc
Chairman8.4yrsno data0.039%
TRY 42.9m
Gianni Coda
Directorless than a yearno datano data
Samir Cherfan
Vice Chairman of the Board2.8yrsno datano data
Giorgio Fossati
Non-Independent Director8.6yrsno datano data
Polat Sen
Director1.7yrsno datano data
Ilker Erden
Directorless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: TOASO's board of directors are not considered experienced ( 2.8 years average tenure), which suggests a new board.