T-Mobile US Valuation
Is TMUS * undervalued compared to its fair value, analyst forecasts and its price relative to the market?
Valuation Score
3/6Valuation Score 3/6
Below Fair Value
Significantly Below Fair Value
Price-To-Earnings vs Peers
Price-To-Earnings vs Industry
Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio
Analyst Forecast
Share Price vs Fair Value
What is the Fair Price of TMUS * when looking at its future cash flows? For this estimate we use a Discounted Cash Flow model.
Below Fair Value: TMUS * (MX$4735) is trading below our estimate of fair value (MX$8398.33)
Significantly Below Fair Value: TMUS * is trading below fair value by more than 20%.
Key Valuation Metric
Which metric is best to use when looking at relative valuation for TMUS *?
Key metric: As TMUS * is profitable we use its Price-To-Earnings Ratio for relative valuation analysis.
What is TMUS *'s PE Ratio? | |
PE Ratio | 25.7x |
Earnings | US$10.37b |
Market Cap | US$266.30b |
Key Statistics | |
Enterprise Value/Revenue | 4.7x |
Enterprise Value/EBITDA | 12.2x |
PEG Ratio | 2.3x |
Price to Earnings Ratio vs Peers
How does TMUS *'s PE Ratio compare to its peers?
Company | Forward PE | Estimated Growth | Market Cap |
Peer Average | 30.5x | ||
AMX B América Móvil. de | 24.5x | 22.6% | Mex$925.9b |
941 China Mobile | 11x | 2.8% | HK$1.7t |
532454 Bharti Airtel | 80.1x | 37.4% | ₹9.7t |
9984 SoftBank Group | 6.6x | -51.2% | JP¥14.2t |
TMUS * T-Mobile US | 25.7x | 11.1% | Mex$266.3b |
Price-To-Earnings vs Peers: TMUS * is good value based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (25.7x) compared to the peer average (30.5x).
Price to Earnings Ratio vs Industry
How does TMUS *'s PE Ratio compare vs other companies in the Global Wireless Telecom Industry?
2 Companies | Price / Earnings | Estimated Growth | Market Cap |
2 Companies | Estimated Growth | Market Cap | |
Price-To-Earnings vs Industry: TMUS * is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (25.7x) compared to the Global Wireless Telecom industry average (16.2x).
Price to Earnings Ratio vs Fair Ratio
What is TMUS *'s PE Ratio compared to its Fair PE Ratio? This is the expected PE Ratio taking into account the company's forecast earnings growth, profit margins and other risk factors.
Fair Ratio | |
Current PE Ratio | 25.7x |
Fair PE Ratio | n/a |
Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio: Insufficient data to calculate TMUS *'s Price-To-Earnings Fair Ratio for valuation analysis.
Analyst Price Targets
What is the analyst 12-month forecast and do we have any statistical confidence in the consensus price target?
Date | Share Price | Average 1Y Price Target | Dispersion | High | Low | 1Y Actual price | Analysts |
Current | Mex$4,735.00 | Mex$4,933.18 +4.2% | 9.6% | Mex$5,631.95 | Mex$3,720.10 | n/a | 26 |
Dec ’25 | Mex$5,080.00 | Mex$4,944.94 -2.7% | 8.3% | Mex$5,463.61 | Mex$3,813.19 | n/a | 27 |
Nov ’25 | Mex$4,459.88 | Mex$4,766.02 +6.9% | 10.7% | Mex$5,304.24 | Mex$2,871.90 | n/a | 27 |
Oct ’25 | Mex$3,989.59 | Mex$4,233.02 +6.1% | 10.4% | Mex$5,099.43 | Mex$2,814.10 | n/a | 28 |
Sep ’25 | Mex$3,940.00 | Mex$4,032.80 +2.4% | 9.0% | Mex$4,922.68 | Mex$2,825.22 | n/a | 28 |
Aug ’25 | Mex$3,281.00 | Mex$3,797.53 +15.7% | 9.1% | Mex$4,693.03 | Mex$2,590.55 | n/a | 27 |
Jul ’25 | Mex$3,245.69 | Mex$3,509.22 +8.1% | 8.4% | Mex$4,407.67 | Mex$2,534.41 | n/a | 28 |
Jun ’25 | Mex$2,896.36 | Mex$3,209.41 +10.8% | 8.8% | Mex$4,069.70 | Mex$2,340.08 | n/a | 27 |
May ’25 | n/a | Mex$3,238.08 0% | 8.8% | Mex$4,115.18 | Mex$2,354.40 | n/a | 28 |
Apr ’25 | n/a | Mex$3,126.40 0% | 9.1% | Mex$3,989.81 | Mex$2,282.67 | n/a | 27 |
Mar ’25 | Mex$2,770.00 | Mex$3,191.18 +15.2% | 9.8% | Mex$4,102.44 | Mex$2,220.62 | n/a | 28 |
Feb ’25 | Mex$2,772.00 | Mex$3,196.15 +15.3% | 10.0% | Mex$4,130.09 | Mex$2,235.58 | n/a | 28 |
Jan ’25 | Mex$2,710.06 | Mex$3,087.57 +13.9% | 11.0% | Mex$4,055.77 | Mex$2,242.06 | n/a | 28 |
Dec ’24 | Mex$2,621.45 | Mex$3,111.25 +18.7% | 11.4% | Mex$4,118.89 | Mex$2,076.80 | Mex$5,080.00 | 29 |
Nov ’24 | Mex$2,545.00 | Mex$3,158.79 +24.1% | 11.5% | Mex$4,185.89 | Mex$2,110.58 | Mex$4,459.88 | 29 |
Oct ’24 | Mex$2,439.13 | Mex$3,034.02 +24.4% | 11.2% | Mex$3,864.49 | Mex$2,035.12 | Mex$3,989.59 | 29 |
Sep ’24 | Mex$2,360.00 | Mex$3,031.61 +28.5% | 11.2% | Mex$3,846.47 | Mex$1,978.79 | Mex$3,940.00 | 30 |
Aug ’24 | Mex$2,380.00 | Mex$2,957.25 +24.3% | 11.2% | Mex$3,753.32 | Mex$1,930.87 | Mex$3,281.00 | 30 |
Jul ’24 | Mex$2,310.01 | Mex$3,014.05 +30.5% | 10.9% | Mex$3,850.83 | Mex$1,981.04 | Mex$3,245.69 | 31 |
Jun ’24 | Mex$2,434.00 | Mex$3,111.84 +27.8% | 10.9% | Mex$3,949.52 | Mex$2,031.81 | Mex$2,896.36 | 30 |
May ’24 | Mex$2,592.00 | Mex$3,210.95 +23.9% | 8.9% | Mex$4,033.94 | Mex$2,653.43 | n/a | 28 |
Apr ’24 | Mex$2,604.67 | Mex$3,234.62 +24.2% | 9.9% | Mex$4,046.60 | Mex$2,661.77 | n/a | 29 |
Mar ’24 | Mex$2,651.00 | Mex$3,337.48 +25.9% | 9.6% | Mex$4,125.16 | Mex$2,750.11 | Mex$2,770.00 | 29 |
Feb ’24 | Mex$2,823.00 | Mex$3,333.80 +18.1% | 9.6% | Mex$4,133.86 | Mex$2,755.91 | Mex$2,772.00 | 29 |
Jan ’24 | Mex$2,705.00 | Mex$3,514.04 +29.9% | 9.8% | Mex$4,385.97 | Mex$2,923.98 | Mex$2,710.06 | 30 |
Dec ’23 | Mex$2,880.00 | Mex$3,423.72 +18.9% | 9.8% | Mex$4,270.04 | Mex$2,846.69 | Mex$2,621.45 | 30 |
Analyst Forecast: Target price is less than 20% higher than the current share price.