Stock Analysis

A Rising Share Price Has Us Looking Closely At Dan Hotels Ltd's (TLV:DANH) P/E Ratio

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Those holding Dan Hotels (TLV:DANH) shares must be pleased that the share price has rebounded 34% in the last thirty days. But unfortunately, the stock is still down by 15% over a quarter. Longer term shareholders are no doubt thankful for the recovery in the share price, since it's pretty much flat for the year, even after the recent pop.

Assuming no other changes, a sharply higher share price makes a stock less attractive to potential buyers. While the market sentiment towards a stock is very changeable, in the long run, the share price will tend to move in the same direction as earnings per share. The implication here is that deep value investors might steer clear when expectations of a company are too high. One way to gauge market expectations of a stock is to look at its Price to Earnings Ratio (PE Ratio). Investors have optimistic expectations of companies with higher P/E ratios, compared to companies with lower P/E ratios.

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Does Dan Hotels Have A Relatively High Or Low P/E For Its Industry?

We can tell from its P/E ratio of 19.50 that there is some investor optimism about Dan Hotels. The image below shows that Dan Hotels has a higher P/E than the average (15.1) P/E for companies in the hospitality industry.

TASE:DANH Price Estimation Relative to Market April 18th 2020
TASE:DANH Price Estimation Relative to Market April 18th 2020

That means that the market expects Dan Hotels will outperform other companies in its industry. Shareholders are clearly optimistic, but the future is always uncertain. So investors should always consider the P/E ratio alongside other factors, such as whether company directors have been buying shares.

How Growth Rates Impact P/E Ratios

Generally speaking the rate of earnings growth has a profound impact on a company's P/E multiple. If earnings are growing quickly, then the 'E' in the equation will increase faster than it would otherwise. That means even if the current P/E is high, it will reduce over time if the share price stays flat. So while a stock may look expensive based on past earnings, it could be cheap based on future earnings.

It's nice to see that Dan Hotels grew EPS by a stonking 36% in the last year. And its annual EPS growth rate over 5 years is 8.8%. I'd therefore be a little surprised if its P/E ratio was not relatively high.

Remember: P/E Ratios Don't Consider The Balance Sheet

Don't forget that the P/E ratio considers market capitalization. Thus, the metric does not reflect cash or debt held by the company. The exact same company would hypothetically deserve a higher P/E ratio if it had a strong balance sheet, than if it had a weak one with lots of debt, because a cashed up company can spend on growth.

Spending on growth might be good or bad a few years later, but the point is that the P/E ratio does not account for the option (or lack thereof).

So What Does Dan Hotels's Balance Sheet Tell Us?

Net debt is 29% of Dan Hotels's market cap. You'd want to be aware of this fact, but it doesn't bother us.

The Verdict On Dan Hotels's P/E Ratio

Dan Hotels trades on a P/E ratio of 19.5, which is above its market average of 10.9. Its debt levels do not imperil its balance sheet and its EPS growth is very healthy indeed. So on this analysis a high P/E ratio seems reasonable. What we know for sure is that investors have become more excited about Dan Hotels recently, since they have pushed its P/E ratio from 14.6 to 19.5 over the last month. For those who prefer to invest with the flow of momentum, that might mean it's time to put the stock on a watchlist, or research it. But the contrarian may see it as a missed opportunity.

Investors have an opportunity when market expectations about a stock are wrong. As value investor Benjamin Graham famously said, 'In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine. Although we don't have analyst forecasts you could get a better understanding of its growth by checking out this more detailed historical graph of earnings, revenue and cash flow.

But note: Dan Hotels may not be the best stock to buy. So take a peek at this free list of interesting companies with strong recent earnings growth (and a P/E ratio below 20).

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