Infinities Technology International (Cayman) Holding Ownership
Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?
Recent Insider Transactions
Date | Value | Name | Entity | Role | Shares | Max Price |
24 Apr 24 | BuyHK$134,819,896 | Infinities Global Technology Limited Partnership | Company | 96,300,000 | HK$1.40 | |
25 Jan 24 | BuyHK$13,600,018 | Infinities Global Technology Limited Partnership | Company | 10,000,000 | HK$1.36 |
Insider Trading Volume
Insider Buying: Insufficient data to determine if insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.
Ownership Breakdown
Owner Type | Number of Shares | Ownership Percentage |
Individual Insiders | 21,838,274 | 2.97% |
General Public | 270,441,181 | 36.8% |
Private Companies | 442,021,719 | 60.2% |
Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 19.8%.
Top Shareholders
Ownership | Name | Shares | Current Value | Change % | Portfolio % | |
442,021,719 | HK$225.4m | 0% | no data | |||
21,838,274 | HK$11.1m | 0% | no data |