Federal Realty Investment Trust LSE:0IL1 Stock Report
Last Price
Market Cap
23 Jan, 2025
Company Financials +
Federal Realty Investment Trust
LSE:0IL1 Stock Report
Market Cap: US$8.9b
0IL1 Stock Overview
Federal Realty is a recognized leader in the ownership, operation and redevelopment of high-quality retail-based properties located primarily in major coastal markets from Washington, D.C.More details
Federal Realty is a recognized leader in the ownership, operation and redevelopment of high-quality retail-based properties located primarily in major coastal markets from Washington, D.C. to Boston as well as Northern and Southern California. Founded in 1962, Federal Realty's mission is to deliver long-term, sustainable growth through investing in communities where retail demand exceeds supply. Its expertise includes creating urban, mixed-use neighborhoods like Santana Row in San Jose, California, Pike & Rose in North Bethesda, Maryland and Assembly Row in Somerville, Massachusetts.
Federal Realty Investment Trust Fundamentals Summary
How do Federal Realty Investment Trust's earnings and revenue compare to its market cap?
The data used in our company analysis is from S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. The following data is used in our analysis model to generate this report. Data is normalised which can introduce a delay from the source being available.
* example for US securities, for non-US equivalent regulatory forms and sources are used.
Unless specified all financial data is based on a yearly period but updated quarterly. This is known as Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) or Last Twelve Month (LTM) Data. Learn more here.
Analysis Model and Snowflake
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Industry and Sector Metrics
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Analyst Sources
Federal Realty Investment Trust is covered by 42 analysts. 8 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.