Mayfair Gold Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

DB:9M5 Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
20 Jun 24Sell€22,496Howard BirdIndividual16,600€1.37
14 Jun 24Sell€14,270Howard BirdIndividual11,000€1.30
12 Jun 24Sell€25,948Howard BirdIndividual20,000€1.30
05 Jun 24Sell€149,983Howard BirdIndividual112,700€1.34
30 May 24Sell€33,579Howard BirdIndividual25,000€1.34
29 May 24Sell€86,003Howard BirdIndividual64,700€1.33
24 May 24Sell€159,630Howard BirdIndividual120,400€1.33
23 May 24Sell€60,713Howard BirdIndividual45,700€1.33
22 May 24Sell€180,703Howard BirdIndividual133,900€1.35
21 May 24Sell€139,575Patrick EvansIndividual103,400€1.35
17 May 24Buy€128,448MW Domino Management LLCCompany100,000€1.28
17 May 24Sell€596,426Patrick EvansIndividual442,290€1.38
15 May 24Sell€46,690Howard BirdIndividual32,700€1.43
08 May 24Buy€494,352MW Domino Management LLCCompany316,800€1.56
01 May 24Sell€105,277Howard BirdIndividual62,400€1.72
26 Apr 24Sell€76,808Howard BirdIndividual44,900€1.71
19 Apr 24Sell€24,961Howard BirdIndividual15,700€1.59
18 Apr 24Sell€73,123Howard BirdIndividual44,300€1.65
11 Apr 24Buy€228,616MW Domino Management LLCCompany150,000€1.52
18 Sep 23Buy€14,546Patrick EvansIndividual10,000€1.46
07 Sep 23Buy€4,289Patrick EvansIndividual3,000€1.43

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: 9M5 insiders have only sold shares in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of 9M5?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Hedge Funds10,781,64010.2%
Individual Insiders22,477,97321.3%
General Public67,606,41564.2%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 10.6%.

Top Shareholders

Top 7 shareholders own 35.84% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Henry Heeney
12,373,948€14.2m-2.22%no data
10,781,640€12.3m0%no data
Sean Pi
8,008,619€9.2m0%no data
Muddy Waters Capital LLC
Darren McLean
1,503,232€1.7m0%no data
MW Domino Management LLC
1,356,970€1.6m71.7%no data
Freddy Brick
592,174€677.8k0%no data