Coinbase Global Valuation

Is 1QZ undervalued compared to its fair value, analyst forecasts and its price relative to the market?

Valuation Score


Valuation Score 1/6

  • Below Fair Value

  • Significantly Below Fair Value

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Peers

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Industry

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio

  • Analyst Forecast

Share Price vs Fair Value

What is the Fair Price of 1QZ when looking at its future cash flows? For this estimate we use a Discounted Cash Flow model.

Below Fair Value: 1QZ (CHF142.91) is trading above our estimate of fair value (CHF108.59)

Significantly Below Fair Value: 1QZ is trading above our estimate of fair value.

Key Valuation Metric

Which metric is best to use when looking at relative valuation for 1QZ?

Other financial metrics that can be useful for relative valuation.

1QZ key valuation metrics and ratios. From Price to Earnings, Price to Sales and Price to Book to Price to Earnings Growth Ratio, Enterprise Value and EBITDA.
Key Statistics
Enterprise Value/Revenue8.7x
Enterprise Value/EBITDA29.2x
PEG Ratio-1.4x

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Peers

How does 1QZ's PE Ratio compare to its peers?

The above table shows the PE ratio for 1QZ vs its peers. Here we also display the market cap and forecasted growth for additional consideration.
CompanyForward PEEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Peer Average32.8x
PGHN Partners Group Holding
34.4x14.5%CHF 33.0b
41.9x32.4%CHF 85.5b
BAER Julius Bär Gruppe
28.5x21.9%CHF 10.7b
VZN VZ Holding
26.5x7.9%CHF 5.4b
1QZ Coinbase Global
28.1x-20.0%CHF 42.0b

Price-To-Earnings vs Peers: 1QZ is good value based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (28.1x) compared to the peer average (32.8x).

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Industry

How does 1QZ's PE Ratio compare vs other companies in the European Capital Markets Industry?

0 CompaniesPrice / EarningsEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Industry Avg.n/a25.2%
No. of CompaniesPE048121620

Fetching data

0 CompaniesPrice / EarningsEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Industry Avg.n/a25.2%
No more companies

Price-To-Earnings vs Industry: 1QZ is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (28.1x) compared to the European Capital Markets industry average (14.4x).

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Fair Ratio

What is 1QZ's PE Ratio compared to its Fair PE Ratio? This is the expected PE Ratio taking into account the company's forecast earnings growth, profit margins and other risk factors.

1QZ PE Ratio vs Fair Ratio.
Fair Ratio
Current PE Ratio28.1x
Fair PE Ratio16.2x

Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio: 1QZ is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (28.1x) compared to the estimated Fair Price-To-Earnings Ratio (16.2x).

Analyst Price Targets

What is the analyst 12-month forecast and do we have any statistical confidence in the consensus price target?

The above table shows the analyst 1QZ forecast and predictions for the stock price in 12 month’s time.
DateShare PriceAverage 1Y Price TargetDispersionHighLow1Y Actual priceAnalysts
CurrentCHF 142.91
CHF 210.50
25.9%CHF 343.12CHF 115.80n/a23
Oct ’25CHF 140.27
CHF 210.34
25.4%CHF 340.22CHF 114.82n/a23
Sep ’25CHF 157.26
CHF 212.87
24.5%CHF 340.60CHF 110.69n/a23
Aug ’25CHF 203.10
CHF 223.36
25.0%CHF 349.45CHF 113.57n/a24
Jul ’25CHF 204.42
CHF 229.47
26.5%CHF 403.79CHF 116.65n/a23
Jun ’25CHF 204.83
CHF 230.03
27.4%CHF 408.70CHF 118.07n/a22
May ’25CHF 203.24
CHF 220.55
33.0%CHF 413.61CHF 101.11n/a23
Apr ’25CHF 238.35
CHF 176.77
35.6%CHF 316.58CHF 72.36n/a23
Mar ’25CHF 177.54
CHF 145.96
30.4%CHF 220.29CHF 70.49n/a23
Feb ’25CHF 117.46
CHF 109.66
34.8%CHF 172.81CHF 51.84n/a23
Jan ’25CHF 156.05
CHF 87.34
38.6%CHF 171.11CHF 33.37n/a22
Dec ’24CHF 114.42
CHF 75.31
39.1%CHF 131.09CHF 30.59n/a23
Nov ’24CHF 70.69
CHF 77.40
40.8%CHF 136.17CHF 24.51n/a23
Oct ’24CHF 69.14
CHF 77.89
47.4%CHF 175.69CHF 23.72CHF 140.2721
Sep ’24CHF 69.97
CHF 77.89
47.4%CHF 175.69CHF 23.72CHF 157.2621
Aug ’24CHF 82.21
CHF 69.94
51.7%CHF 175.05CHF 23.63CHF 203.1022
Jul ’24CHF 66.19
CHF 60.40
49.8%CHF 178.25CHF 24.06CHF 204.4222
Jun ’24CHF 53.21
CHF 60.32
48.9%CHF 179.02CHF 24.17CHF 204.8323
May ’24n/a
CHF 62.73
49.3%CHF 179.24CHF 26.89CHF 203.2422
Apr ’24CHF 59.63
CHF 63.29
51.3%CHF 182.96CHF 27.44CHF 238.3521
Mar ’24n/a
CHF 58.65
32.5%CHF 93.15CHF 27.95CHF 177.5423
Feb ’24n/a
CHF 52.75
41.4%CHF 110.44CHF 27.61CHF 117.4625
Jan ’24CHF 32.12
CHF 66.13
39.7%CHF 144.11CHF 27.89CHF 156.0524
Dec ’23n/a
CHF 70.28
37.0%CHF 147.54CHF 39.03CHF 114.4224
Nov ’23CHF 69.91
CHF 89.60
41.9%CHF 217.01CHF 41.43CHF 70.6924
Oct ’23n/a
CHF 91.76
44.1%CHF 214.96CHF 41.04CHF 69.1424

Analyst Forecast: Target price is more than 20% higher than the current share price, but analysts are not within a statistically confident range of agreement.

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