Lion Copper and Gold Corp.

CNSX:LEO Stock Report

Market Cap: CA$25.1m

Lion Copper and Gold Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

CNSX:LEO Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
22 Aug 24SellCA$64,792Stephen GoodmanIndividual909,684CA$0.072
21 Aug 24BuyCA$94,336Tony AlfordIndividual1,330,186CA$0.072
20 Aug 24SellCA$22,473Stephen GoodmanIndividual310,934CA$0.072
13 Aug 24BuyCA$128,984Tony AlfordIndividual1,798,398CA$0.073
12 Aug 24SellCA$91,244Stephen GoodmanIndividual1,277,000CA$0.071
08 Aug 24SellCA$42,712Stephen GoodmanIndividual592,000CA$0.073
07 Aug 24BuyCA$298,533Tony AlfordIndividual3,972,000CA$0.076
13 Jun 24BuyCA$65,898Tony AlfordIndividual865,200CA$0.08
03 Jun 24SellCA$1,600Stephen GoodmanIndividual20,000CA$0.08
29 May 24BuyCA$427,041Tony AlfordIndividual5,081,000CA$0.085
29 Apr 24BuyCA$110,392Tony AlfordIndividual1,305,000CA$0.085
25 Apr 24SellCA$28,333Stephen GoodmanIndividual333,334CA$0.085
22 Apr 24BuyCA$39,908Tony AlfordIndividual468,915CA$0.085
09 Apr 24BuyCA$420,380Tony AlfordIndividual5,072,683CA$0.083
08 Mar 24BuyCA$134,733Stephen GoodmanIndividual2,380,952CA$0.057
08 Mar 24BuyCA$33,683Steven DischlerIndividual595,238CA$0.057
08 Mar 24BuyCA$555,774Tony AlfordIndividual9,821,428CA$0.057
16 Oct 23BuyCA$11,848Tony AlfordIndividual150,000CA$0.079
10 Oct 23BuyCA$1,045Tony AlfordIndividual13,255CA$0.079

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: LEO insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of LEO?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Individual Insiders143,420,99337.2%
General Public242,434,71762.8%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 24.6%.

Top Shareholders

Top 5 shareholders own 37.17% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Tony Alford
108,817,947CA$7.1m2.58%no data
Christine Alford
15,234,794CA$990.3k0%no data
Thomas Patton
10,097,110CA$656.3k0%no data
Steven Dischler
7,104,475CA$461.8k0%no data
Charles Naugle
2,166,667CA$140.8k0%no data