Trident Limited

NSEI:TRIDENT Rapporto sulle azioni

Cap. di mercato: ₹171.3b

Trident Gestione

Gestione criteri di controllo 1/4

Al momento non disponiamo di informazioni sufficienti sull'amministratore delegato.

Informazioni chiave

Samir Joshipura

Amministratore delegato


Compenso totale

Percentuale dello stipendio del CEOn/a
Mandato del CEOless than a year
Proprietà del CEOn/a
Durata media del management1.7yrs
Durata media del Consiglio di amministrazione1.7yrs

Aggiornamenti recenti sulla gestione

Recent updates

Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Takes On Some Risk With Its Use Of Debt

Dec 20
Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Takes On Some Risk With Its Use Of Debt

Be Wary Of Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) And Its Returns On Capital

Nov 05
Be Wary Of Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) And Its Returns On Capital

Getting In Cheap On Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) Might Be Difficult

Oct 10
Getting In Cheap On Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) Might Be Difficult

Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of ₹0.36

May 23
Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of ₹0.36

Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Will Want To Turn Around Its Return Trends

May 21
Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Will Want To Turn Around Its Return Trends

There's Reason For Concern Over Trident Limited's (NSE:TRIDENT) Price

Apr 22
There's Reason For Concern Over Trident Limited's (NSE:TRIDENT) Price

Here's Why Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Can Manage Its Debt Responsibly

Mar 26
Here's Why Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Can Manage Its Debt Responsibly

Trident Limited's (NSE:TRIDENT) Price Is Out Of Tune With Earnings

Jan 03
Trident Limited's (NSE:TRIDENT) Price Is Out Of Tune With Earnings

Here's What To Make Of Trident's (NSE:TRIDENT) Decelerating Rates Of Return

Dec 12
Here's What To Make Of Trident's (NSE:TRIDENT) Decelerating Rates Of Return

Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Seems To Use Debt Quite Sensibly

Sep 02
Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Seems To Use Debt Quite Sensibly

Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Shareholders Will Want The ROCE Trajectory To Continue

Jul 14
Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Shareholders Will Want The ROCE Trajectory To Continue

Here's Why Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Can Manage Its Debt Responsibly

May 26
Here's Why Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Can Manage Its Debt Responsibly

There's Been No Shortage Of Growth Recently For Trident's (NSE:TRIDENT) Returns On Capital

Mar 16
There's Been No Shortage Of Growth Recently For Trident's (NSE:TRIDENT) Returns On Capital

We Ran A Stock Scan For Earnings Growth And Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Passed With Ease

Jan 21
We Ran A Stock Scan For Earnings Growth And Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Passed With Ease

Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Is Investing Its Capital With Increasing Efficiency

Nov 29
Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Is Investing Its Capital With Increasing Efficiency

Here's Why We Think Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Is Well Worth Watching

Jul 14
Here's Why We Think Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Is Well Worth Watching

Does Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Jun 29
Does Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Are Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) Investors Paying Above The Intrinsic Value?

Jun 14
Are Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) Investors Paying Above The Intrinsic Value?

The Trend Of High Returns At Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Has Us Very Interested

Apr 29
The Trend Of High Returns At Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Has Us Very Interested

I Ran A Stock Scan For Earnings Growth And Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Passed With Ease

Mar 17
I Ran A Stock Scan For Earnings Growth And Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Passed With Ease

These 4 Measures Indicate That Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Is Using Debt Safely

Feb 09
These 4 Measures Indicate That Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Is Using Debt Safely

One Analyst's Earnings Estimates For Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) Are Surging Higher

Jan 21
One Analyst's Earnings Estimates For Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) Are Surging Higher

We Like Trident's (NSE:TRIDENT) Returns And Here's How They're Trending

Jan 19
We Like Trident's (NSE:TRIDENT) Returns And Here's How They're Trending

Here's Why I Think Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Might Deserve Your Attention Today

Dec 06
Here's Why I Think Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Might Deserve Your Attention Today

We Like These Underlying Return On Capital Trends At Trident (NSE:TRIDENT)

Oct 15
We Like These Underlying Return On Capital Trends At Trident (NSE:TRIDENT)

Should You Investigate Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) At ₹23.75?

Sep 19
Should You Investigate Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) At ₹23.75?

We Think Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Can Manage Its Debt With Ease

Sep 02
We Think Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Can Manage Its Debt With Ease

Does Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

Aug 15
Does Trident (NSE:TRIDENT) Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

At ₹16.00, Is Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) Worth Looking At Closely?

Jun 07
At ₹16.00, Is Trident Limited (NSE:TRIDENT) Worth Looking At Closely?


Samir Joshipura (49 yo)

less than a year




Mr. Samir Joshipura, PGD serves as Group Chief Executive Officer of Trident Limited since February 14, 2024. He had been Group Chief Executive Officer at Sintex Industries Limited since July 2015. He serve...

Gruppo dirigente

Samir Joshipura
Group Chief Executive Officerless than a year₹4.70mNessun dato
Avneesh Barua
Chief Financial Officer2.3yrs₹4.90mNessun dato
Pardeep Markanday
COO of Home Textiles1.7yrs₹1.10mNessun dato
Deepak Nanda
MD, Whole-Time Director & Member of Management Board1.7yrs₹19.20mNessun dato
Swapan Nath
CEO of Bath Linen Business & Member of Management Board1.7yrs₹1.10mNessun dato
Kamal Gaba
CEO of Bed Linen Business & Member of Management Board1.7yrs₹1.10mNessun dato
Kavish Dhanda
CEO of Yarn & Member of Management Board1.7yrs₹1.10mNessun dato
Abhishek Gupta
CEO of Strategy & Marketing and Member of Management Board1.7yrs₹15.50mNessun dato
Mohit Soni
CEO of Bath Linen & Member of Management Board1.7yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Abhinav Gupta
Investor Relation & Head of Corporate Financeno data₹4.90mNessun dato
Harshavardhan Chauhaan
Chief Marketing Officerless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
Manjul Jain
Chief Marketing Officer of Ludhianano dataNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media


Età media

Gestione esperta: Il team dirigenziale di TRIDENT non è considerato esperto (durata media 1.7 anni), il che suggerisce un nuovo team.

Membri del Consiglio di amministrazione

Deepak Nanda
MD, Whole-Time Director & Member of Management Board13.1yrs₹19.20mNessun dato
Usha Sangwan
Non-Executive Independent Woman Director3.6yrs₹6.10mNessun dato
Rajinder Gupta
Co-Chairman of Corporate Advisory Board1.7yrs₹98.70m0%
₹ 0
Rajiv Dewan
Non-Executive Non Independent Director19.6yrs₹7.00m0.00081%
₹ 1.4m
Pawan Jain
Member of Corporate Advisory Board1.7yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Sanjay Jain
Member of Corporate Advisory Board1.7yrs₹80.00kNessun dato
Rajneesh Bhatia
Member of Corporate Advisory Board1.7yrs₹2.21mNessun dato
Dinesh Mittal
Chairman of Corporate Advisory Board1.7yrs₹400.00kNessun dato
Pooja Luthra
Member of Corporate Advisory Board1.7yrs₹300.00kNessun dato
Anthony Desa
Non-Executive Independent Chairman2.9yrs₹6.80mNessun dato
Kapil Ghorse
Member of Corporate Advisory Board1.7yrs₹700.00kNessun dato
Neha Sector
Member of Corporate Advisory Board1.7yrsNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media


Età media

Consiglio di amministrazione esperto: Il consiglio di amministrazione di TRIDENT non è considerato esperto (durata media del mandato 1.7 anni), il che suggerisce un nuovo consiglio.

Analisi aziendale e situazione dei dati finanziari

DatiUltimo aggiornamento (ora UTC)
Analisi dell'azienda2024/12/21 14:52
Prezzo dell'azione a fine giornata2024/12/20 00:00
Guadagni annuali2024/03/31

Fonti dei dati

I dati utilizzati nella nostra analisi aziendale provengono da S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. I seguenti dati sono utilizzati nel nostro modello di analisi per generare questo report. I dati sono normalizzati, il che può comportare un ritardo nella disponibilità della fonte.

PacchettoDatiTempisticaEsempio Fonte USA *
Dati finanziari della società10 anni
  • Conto economico
  • Rendiconto finanziario
  • Bilancio
Stime di consenso degli analisti+3 anni
  • Previsioni finanziarie
  • Obiettivi di prezzo degli analisti
Prezzi di mercato30 anni
  • Prezzi delle azioni
  • Dividendi, scissioni e azioni
Proprietà10 anni
  • Top azionisti
  • Insider trading
Gestione10 anni
  • Team di leadership
  • Consiglio di amministrazione
Sviluppi principali10 anni
  • Annunci aziendali

* esempio per i titoli statunitensi, per quelli non statunitensi si utilizzano forme e fonti normative equivalenti.

Se non specificato, tutti i dati finanziari si basano su un periodo annuale ma vengono aggiornati trimestralmente. Si tratta dei cosiddetti dati TTM (Trailing Twelve Month) o LTM (Last Twelve Month). Per saperne di più , cliccate qui.

Modello di analisi e Snowflake

I dettagli del modello di analisi utilizzato per generare questo report sono disponibili sulla nostra pagina Github; abbiamo anche guide su come utilizzare i nostri report e tutorial su Youtube.

Scoprite il team di livello mondiale che ha progettato e realizzato il modello di analisi Simply Wall St.

Metriche di settore e industriali

Le nostre metriche di settore e di sezione sono calcolate ogni 6 ore da Simply Wall St; i dettagli del nostro processo sono disponibili su .

Fonti analitiche

Trident Limited è coperta da 7 analisti. 1 di questi analisti ha fornito le stime di fatturato o di utile utilizzate come input per il nostro report. Le stime degli analisti vengono aggiornate nel corso della giornata.

Dhananjay SinhaEmkay Global Financial Services Ltd.
Kameswari V. S. ChavaliFirstCall Research
Bhavesh ChauhanIDBI Capital Markets & Securities Ltd.