Timbercreek Financial Balance Sheet Health

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Timbercreek Financial hat ein Gesamteigenkapital von CA$696.4M und eine Gesamtverschuldung von CA$939.0M, was einen Verschuldungsgrad von 134.8% ergibt. Die Gesamtaktiva und Gesamtpassiva betragen CA$1.7B bzw. CA$1.0B.

Wichtige Informationen


Verhältnis von Schulden zu Eigenkapital




Jüngste Berichte zur Finanzlage

Keine Aktualisierungen

Recent updates

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Announced A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Jun 25
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Announced A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Due To Pay A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

May 28
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Due To Pay A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Paying Out A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Apr 27
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Paying Out A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Will Pay A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Mar 25
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Will Pay A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Announced A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Jan 27
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Announced A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Paying Out A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Aug 28
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Paying Out A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Jul 25
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Paying Out A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Jun 27
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Paying Out A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Will Pay A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Apr 25
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Will Pay A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Feb 24
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial's (TSE:TF) Dividend Will Be CA$0.0575

Oct 25
Timbercreek Financial's (TSE:TF) Dividend Will Be CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Paying Out A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Aug 29
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Is Paying Out A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Announced A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Jul 28
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Announced A Dividend Of CA$0.0575

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Re-Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Jun 28
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Re-Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Re-Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

May 26
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Re-Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Re-Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Mar 29
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Re-Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Jan 27
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Announced A Dividend Of CA$0.058

Nov 27
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Announced A Dividend Of CA$0.058

Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Aug 28
Timbercreek Financial (TSE:TF) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of CA$0.058

Would Shareholders Who Purchased Timbercreek Financial's (TSE:TF) Stock Year Be Happy With The Share price Today?

Jan 14
Would Shareholders Who Purchased Timbercreek Financial's (TSE:TF) Stock Year Be Happy With The Share price Today?

Analyse der Finanzlage

Kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten: TFDie kurzfristigen Aktiva des Unternehmens (CA$1.7B) übersteigen seine kurzfristigen Passiva (CA$224.9M).

Langfristige Verbindlichkeiten: TFDie kurzfristigen Vermögenswerte des Unternehmens (CA$1.7B) übersteigen seine langfristigen Verbindlichkeiten (CA$797.8M).

Geschichte und Analyse des Verhältnisses von Schulden zu Eigenkapital

Verschuldungsgrad: TFDie Nettoverschuldung im Verhältnis zum Eigenkapital (133.3%) wird als hoch angesehen.

Schulden abbauen: TF Das Verhältnis von Schulden zu Eigenkapital ist in den letzten 5 Jahren von 159.3% auf 134.8% zurückgegangen.

Schuldendeckung: TFDie Schulden des Unternehmens sind nicht ausreichend durch den operativen Cashflow (8.6%) gedeckt.

Zinsdeckung: Unzureichende Daten, um zu bestimmen, ob die Zinszahlungen von TF für seine Schulden durch das EBIT gut gedeckt sind.


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