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This week’s top narratives

This weeks picks cover Micron's revolutionary product roadmap, Intel’s big capex plans, and why British American Tobacco’s tricky transition might provide an opportunity to patient investors.

Apple Inc.
Richard Bowman

Why CVS’s Valuation Signals Opportunity

CVS Health has just faced a stock decline of about 10% after its preliminary Q3 earnings miss, which made the entire market aware The decline is contributed largely to a $1.1 billion charge connected with its Medicare and

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Apple Inc.
Richard Bowman

Why CVS’s Valuation Signals Opportunity

CVS Health has just faced a stock decline of about 10% after its preliminary Q3 earnings miss, which made the entire market aware The decline is contributed largely to a $1.1 billion charge connected with its Medicare and

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Apple Inc.
Richard Bowman

Why CVS’s Valuation Signals Opportunity

CVS Health has just faced a stock decline of about 10% after its preliminary Q3 earnings miss, which made the entire market aware The decline is contributed largely to a $1.1 billion charge connected with its Medicare and

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A card with a headshot of Michael Paige, Content Lead. The text reads "Industry Tailwinds, Increased Monetization, and Changing Cost Structure Will Lead to Higher Cash Flows." The price is US$172, and it's considered undervalued by 36.4%. A button allows you to set this as the fair value.
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A chart showing Starbucks's stock price is currently overvalued. The chart shows revenue and earnings projections for the next few years, with a focus on potential catalysts and risks.
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28% Growth and 26% Undervalued. A progress bar shows a high level of growth, and a green triangle indicates the stock is undervalued.
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