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If gold reaches $4,000 per oz

To calculate the potential stock price of STLLR Gold if gold reaches $4,000 per oz, we'll follow these steps: Estimate the Total Resource Value : Total resources: 18 million oz Gold price: $4,000 per oz Total Resource Value=18,000,000 oz×4,000 USD/oz=72,000,000,000 USD(or 72 billion USD)\text{Total Resource Value} = 18,000,000 \, \text{oz} \times 4,000 \, \text{USD/oz} = 72,000,000,000 \, \text{USD} \quad (\text{or } 72 \, \text{billion USD})Total Resource Value=18,000,000oz×4,000USD/oz=72,000,000,000USD(or 72billion USD) Valuation as a Producer : If we consider the company as a producer and use a more conservative valuation multiple, say $400 per oz for production: Potential Producer Valuation=18,000,000 oz×400 USD/oz=7,200,000,000 USD(or 7.2 billion USD)\text{Potential Producer Valuation} = 18,000,000 \, \text{oz} \times 400 \, \text{USD/oz} = 7,200,000,000 \, \text{USD} \quad (\text{or } 7.2 \, \text{billion USD})Potential Producer Valuation=18,000,000oz×400USD/oz=7,200,000,000USD(or 7.2billion USD) Calculate Market Cap and Stock Price : To find the stock price, we need the total shares outstanding. For example, if we assume there are 100 million shares outstanding (you'll need to adjust this based on the actual number): Stock Price=Market CapShares Outstanding\text{Stock Price} = \frac{\text{Market Cap}}{\text{Shares Outstanding}}Stock Price=Shares OutstandingMarket Cap​ If we take the potential producer valuation: Stock Price=7,200,000,000100,000,000=72 USD/share\text{Stock Price} = \frac{7,200,000,000}{100,000,000} = 72 \, \text{USD/share}Stock Price=100,000,0007,200,000,000​=72USD/share Conclusion If gold reaches $4,000 per oz, and assuming the company is valued as a producer with potential resources of 18 million oz, the stock price could be around $72 per share if there are 100 million shares outstanding.
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