AS2 Stoklara Genel Bakış Askari Metals Limited, Batı Avustralya, Kuzey Bölgesi ve Yeni Güney Galler'de satın alma, arama ve geliştirme faaliyetlerinde bulunmaktadır. Daha fazla detay
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Not ekleyinAskari Metals Limited Rakipler Fiyat Geçmişi ve Performans
Hisse fiyatlarındaki yükseliş, düşüş ve değişimlerin özeti Askari Metals Tarihsel hisse senedi fiyatları Güncel Hisse Fiyatı AU$0.012 52 Haftanın En Yüksek Seviyesi AU$0.17 52 Haftanın En Düşük Seviyesi AU$0.01 Beta 0.73 1 Aylık Değişim -25.00% 3 Aylık Değişim -42.86% 1 Yıllık Değişim -92.73% 3 Yıllık Değişim -94.29% 5 Yıllık Değişim n/a Halka arzdan bu yana değişim -94.78%
Son Haberler & Güncellemeler
New major risk - Shareholder dilution Dec 08 Askari Metals Limited has completed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.507229 million. Nov 30
Askari Metals Limited Announces Chief Financial Officer Changes Askari Metals Limited has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.3768 million.
Askari Metals Limited, Annual General Meeting, Nov 29, 2024 Oct 04
New minor risk - Financial data availability Oct 01 Daha fazla güncelleme görün
New major risk - Shareholder dilution Dec 08 Askari Metals Limited has completed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.507229 million. Nov 30
Askari Metals Limited Announces Chief Financial Officer Changes Askari Metals Limited has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.3768 million.
Askari Metals Limited, Annual General Meeting, Nov 29, 2024 Oct 04
New minor risk - Financial data availability Oct 01 Askari Metals Limited announced that it expects to receive AUD 0.92 million in funding Sep 26
Askari Metals Limited Announces Executive Changes Aug 02
New minor risk - Share price stability May 28 Askari Metals Limited has withdrawn its Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.90546 million. May 10
Askari Metals Limited has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.90546 million. Mar 23 Askari Metals Limited has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.600001 million.
Askari Metals Limited Announces Directorate Changes Jan 29
Askari Metals Limited, Annual General Meeting, Nov 24, 2023 Oct 20
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) acquired AstralL Dynamix from AstralL Dynamix Mining Investment CC. Oct 10
New major risk - Financial position Sep 30
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) signed an agreement to acquire AstralL Dynamix from AstralL Dynamix Mining Investment CC for AUD 0.375 Million. Jul 06
Askari Metals Limited Appoints Cliff Fitzhenry to the New Role of Chief Exploration and Project Manager (Africa) Jun 03
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) completed the acquisition of remaining 10% interest in Uis Lithium-Tantalum-Tin Project, located in Namibia, Africa from Jenny Eliane van der Walt. May 26
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) completed the acquisition of remaining 10% interest in Uis Lithium-Tantalum-Tin Project, located in Namibia, Africa from Jenny Eliane van der Walt. May 25
Askari Metals Limited Commences its Phase I RC Drilling Program on Exclusive Prospecting Licence Feb 15
Askari Metals Limited Announces High Grade Lithium, Tin and Tantalum Results At EPL 8535 Feb 08
Askari Metals Limited Announces Project-Wide Detailed Exploration Underway at Uis Li Project Feb 04
Askari Metals Limited Announces Results of the Recently Completed Field Reconnaissance Program At the Company's 100% Owned Barrow Creek Lithium Project Jan 25
Askari Metals Limited Completes Inaugural RC Drilling Campaign at the Horry Copper and Gold Project Jan 17
Askari Metals Limited Announces Completion of Phase I Rc Drilling Program At Uis Lithium Project in Namibia, Africa Dec 15
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) entered into a binding acquisition agreement to acquire 80% stake in EPL 8535 Lithium Project from Earth Dimensions Consulting (Pty) Ltd for AUD 1.6 million. Dec 06
Askari Metals Limited Announces Uis Lithium Project RC Drilling Program Underway Nov 22
Askari Metals Limited Receives the Results for the First Phase of Reconnaissance Exploration Surface Rock Samples Collected During the Due Diligence Period of the Project Acquisition of Exclusive Prospecting Licence (Epl) 7345, as the Uis Lithium-Tantalum-Tin Project (Uis Project) Located in Namibia Nov 17
Less than half of directors are independent Nov 16
Askari Metals Limited Commences Extensive Soil Auger Drilling and Reconnaissance Campaign At the 100% Owned Myrnas Hill Lithium Project Nov 08
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) executed a Binding Heads of Agreement (HoA) to acquire 90% interest in Exclusive Prospecting Licence (EPL) 7345, known as the Uis Lithium-Tantalum-Tin Project, located in Namibia, Africa from LexRox Exploration Services (Pty) Ltd for AUD 2.35 million. Oct 25
Askari Metals Limited Announces High-Grade Gold Intersects in Final Results At Burracoppin Oct 19
Askari Metals Limited Announces High-Grade Gold Intersects in Final Results At Burracoppin Oct 18 Askari Metals Limited, Annual General Meeting, Nov 18, 2022
Askari Metals Limited Completes High-Definition Drone Magnetic Survey At the Company's 100%-Owned Callawa Copper Project Oct 11
Askari Metals Receives Results from the Second Tranche of Assays from Its Phase III RC Drilling Program Completed on Its 100% Owned Burracoppin Gold Project Oct 07
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) entered into a binding acquisition agreement to acquire Talga East Lithium Project from Mining Equities Pty Ltd for AUD 0.13 million. Oct 06
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) entered into a binding acquisition agreement to acquire Talga East Lithium Project from Mining Equities Pty Ltd for AUD 0.13 million. Oct 05
Askari Metals Announces Multiple Extensive Lithium Targets Identified At Myrnas Hill Sep 29
Askari Metals Limited Announces Significant REE Targets Identified at Red Peak, Gascoyne WA Sep 23
Askari Metals Limited Receives the Results for the First Nine (9) Holes Out of A Total of Forty (40) Holes Drilled as Part of the Phase III RC Drilling Program Completed on its 100% Owned Burracoppin Gold Project Sep 17
Askari Metals Limited Commences its Inaugural Exploration Drilling Campaign at its 100% Owned Horry Copper and Gold Project in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia Sep 13
Askari Metals Limited Announces South Central Barrow Creek Field Program Complete Sep 10
Askari Metals Limited Accepts the Resignation of Non-Executive Director Brendan Cummins and David Greenwood Sep 05
Askari Metals Limited (ASX:AS2) agreed to acquire Myrnas Hill Lithium Project from Raiden Resources Limited (ASX:RDN) for AUD0.2 million. Aug 25
Askari Metals Limited Announces the Results of Its Phase I Project-Wide Lithium Mapping and Sampling Exploration Campaign Completed At the 100% Owned Yarrie Lithium Project Located in the East-Pilbara Region of Western Australia Aug 13
Askari Metals Announces the Results of Detailed Gold Loaming / Stream Sediment Sampling Campaign At Company's Owned Horry Copper and Gold Project Located in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia Aug 05
Askari Metals Limited Announces the Results of the Phase Iii Rock Sampling Campaign Jul 09
Askari Metals Limited Completes Its Phase III RC Drilling Program on Its 100% Owned Burracoppin Gold Project Located in the Wheatbelt Region of Western Australia Jun 29
Askari Metals Limited Announces Further High-Grade Assay Results from Phase II RC Drilling at the Burracoppin Gold Project, WA May 19
Less than half of directors are independent Apr 27
Askari Metals Limited Completes Second Phase On-Ground Exploration Complete At Barrow Creek Lithuim Project Mar 04
Less than half of directors are independent Feb 24
Askari Metals Limited Announces Completion of Second Phase of RC Drilling on Its 100% Owned Burracoppin Gold Project Feb 24
Askari Metals Limited Appoints Chris Evans as Technical Director - Lithium Feb 16
Askari Commences Phase II Drilling Program at Burracoppin Feb 09
Askari Metals Limited Announces Excellent Copper Gold Results from Phase II Horry Program Jan 12
Askari Metals Limited Announces Reconnaissance Field Program Completed Ahead of RC Drilling Program at the Burracoppin Gold Project Jul 22
Insider recently bought AU$113k worth of stock Jul 21
Askari Metals Limited has completed an IPO in the amount of AUD 5.7292 million. Jul 06 Hissedar Getirileri AS2 AU Metals and Mining AU Pazar 7D -7.7% -2.1% -1.0% 1Y -92.7% -18.8% 8.5%
Hissedar getirilerinin tamamını görün
Getiri vs. Endüstri: AS2 geçen yıl % -18.8 oranında getiri sağlayan Australian Metals and Mining sektörünün gerisinde kaldı.
Getiri vs Piyasa: AS2 geçen yıl % 8.5 oranında getiri sağlayan Australian Piyasasının altında performans gösterdi.
Fiyat Oynaklığı Is AS2's price volatile compared to industry and market? AS2 volatility AS2 Average Weekly Movement 20.7% Metals and Mining Industry Average Movement 10.7% Market Average Movement 8.0% 10% most volatile stocks in AU Market 16.7% 10% least volatile stocks in AU Market 3.1%
İstikrarlı Hisse Senedi Fiyatı: AS2 hisse senedi fiyatı son 3 aydır dalgalı bir seyir izliyor.
Zaman İçindeki Volatilite: AS2 'nin haftalık oynaklığı ( 21% ) geçen yıl boyunca sabit kaldı, ancak hala Australian hisselerinin %75'inden yüksek.
Şirket Hakkında Askari Metals Limited, Batı Avustralya, Kuzey Bölgesi ve Yeni Güney Galler'de satın alma, arama ve geliştirme faaliyetlerinde bulunmaktadır. Lityum, bakır, altın ve nadir toprak elementi aramaktadır. Şirketin amiral gemisi, Afrika'nın batı-orta Namibya bölgesinde yer alan 308,12 kilometrekarelik bir alanı kapsayan Uis Lityum projesidir.
Daha fazla göster Askari Metals Limited Temel Bilgiler Özeti Askari Metals'un kazançları ve gelirleri piyasa değeriyle nasıl karşılaştırılır? AS2 temel i̇stati̇sti̇kler Piyasa değeri AU$2.56m Kazançlar(TTM ) -AU$5.18m Gelir(TTM ) AU$11.65k
Kazanç ve Gelir En son kazanç raporundan temel karlılık istatistikleri (TTM) AS2 gelir tablosu (TTM ) Gelir AU$11.65k Gelir Maliyeti AU$0 Brüt Kâr AU$11.65k Diğer Giderler AU$5.19m Kazançlar -AU$5.18m
Son Raporlanan Kazançlar
Jun 30, 2024
Hisse başına kazanç (EPS) -0.024 Brüt Marj 100.00% Net Kâr Marjı -44,476.01% Borç/Özkaynak Oranı 9.1%
AS2 uzun vadede nasıl bir performans gösterdi?
Geçmiş performansı ve karşılaştırmayı görün
Şirket Analizi ve Finansal Veri Durumu Veri Son Güncelleme (UTC saati) Şirket Analizi 2024/12/25 01:35 Gün Sonu Hisse Fiyatı 2024/12/24 00:00 Kazançlar 2024/06/30 Yıllık Kazançlar 2024/06/30
Veri Kaynakları Şirket analizimizde kullanılan veriler S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC 'den alınmıştır. Bu raporu oluşturmak için analiz modelimizde aşağıdaki veriler kullanılmıştır. Veriler normalize edilmiştir, bu da kaynağın mevcut olmasından kaynaklanan bir gecikmeye neden olabilir.
Paket Veri Zaman Çerçevesi Örnek ABD Kaynağı * Şirket Finansalları 10 yıl Gelir tablosu Nakit akış tablosu Bilanço Analist Konsensüs Tahminleri +3 yıl Finansal tahminler Analist fiyat hedefleri Piyasa Fiyatları 30 yıl Hisse senedi fiyatları Temettüler, Bölünmeler ve Eylemler Sahiplik 10 yıl En büyük hissedarlar İçeriden öğrenenlerin ticareti Yönetim 10 yıl Liderlik ekibi Yönetim Kurulu Önemli Gelişmeler 10 yıl
* ABD menkul kıymetleri için örnek, ABD dışı için eşdeğer düzenleyici formlar ve kaynaklar kullanılır.
Belirtilmediği sürece tüm finansal veriler yıllık bir döneme dayanmaktadır ancak üç ayda bir güncellenmektedir. Bu, İzleyen On İki Ay (TTM) veya Son On İki Ay (LTM) Verileri olarak bilinir. Buradan daha fazla bilgi edinin.
Analiz Modeli ve Kar Tanesi Bu raporu oluşturmak için kullanılan analiz modelinin ayrıntıları Github sayfamızda mevcuttur, ayrıca raporlarımızın nasıl kullanılacağına dair kılavuzlarımız ve Youtube' da eğitimlerimiz bulunmaktadır.
Simply Wall St analiz modelini tasarlayan ve oluşturan dünya standartlarındaki ekip hakkında bilgi edinin.
Endüstri ve Sektör Metrikleri Sektör ve bölüm metriklerimiz Simply Wall St tarafından her 6 saatte bir hesaplanmaktadır, sürecimizin ayrıntıları 'da mevcuttur.
Analist Kaynakları Askari Metals Limited 0 Bu analistlerden 0, raporumuzun girdisi olarak kullanılan gelir veya kazanç tahminlerini sunmuştur. Analistlerin gönderimleri gün boyunca güncellenmektedir.
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