Logistic Properties of the Americas Dividend
Dividend criteria checks 0/6
Logistic Properties of the Americas does not have a record of paying a dividend.
Key information
Dividend yield
Payout ratio
Industry average yield | 2.4% |
Next dividend pay date | n/a |
Ex dividend date | n/a |
Dividend per share | n/a |
Earnings per share | -US$1.19 |
Dividend yield forecast | n/a |
Recent dividend updates
No updates
Recent updates
Stability and Growth of Payments
Fetching dividends data
Stable Dividend: Insufficient data to determine if LPA's dividends per share have been stable in the past.
Growing Dividend: Insufficient data to determine if LPA's dividend payments have been increasing.
Dividend Yield vs Market
Logistic Properties of the Americas Dividend Yield vs Market |
Segment | Dividend Yield |
Company (LPA) | n/a |
Market Bottom 25% (US) | 1.4% |
Market Top 25% (US) | 4.4% |
Industry Average (Real Estate) | 2.4% |
Analyst forecast (LPA) (up to 3 years) | n/a |
Notable Dividend: Unable to evaluate LPA's dividend yield against the bottom 25% of dividend payers, as the company has not reported any recent payouts.
High Dividend: Unable to evaluate LPA's dividend yield against the top 25% of dividend payers, as the company has not reported any recent payouts.
Earnings Payout to Shareholders
Earnings Coverage: Insufficient data to calculate LPA's payout ratio to determine if its dividend payments are covered by earnings.
Cash Payout to Shareholders
Cash Flow Coverage: Unable to calculate sustainability of dividends as LPA has not reported any payouts.