Westward Gold Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

OTCPK:WGLI.F Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
09 Aug 24BuyUS$2,298GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany49,500US$0.049
27 Jul 24BuyUS$10,404GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany192,500US$0.057
19 Jul 24BuyUS$3,180GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany55,000US$0.058
16 Jul 24BuyUS$1,403Colin MooreIndividual24,000US$0.058
12 Jul 24BuyUS$2,928GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany52,500US$0.056
08 Jul 24BuyUS$7,021GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany122,500US$0.058
28 Jun 24BuyUS$3,645GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany65,000US$0.058
14 Jun 24BuyUS$3,304GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany60,000US$0.055
13 Jun 24BuyUS$4,837GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany85,000US$0.058
04 Jun 24BuyUS$3,768GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany64,445US$0.058
31 May 24BuyUS$7,243GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany130,555US$0.059
05 Apr 24BuyUS$42,669Colin MooreIndividual725,000US$0.059
05 Apr 24BuyUS$14,714Robert EdieIndividual250,000US$0.059
25 Mar 24SellUS$23,564Colin MooreIndividual400,000US$0.059
25 Mar 24SellUS$23,564GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany400,000US$0.059
25 Mar 24BuyUS$51,547GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany875,000US$0.059
30 Jan 24BuyUS$2,615Colin MooreIndividual45,000US$0.058
12 Jan 24BuyUS$2,242GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany30,000US$0.075
08 Nov 23BuyUS$106,312Mark MonaghanIndividual1,236,000US$0.098
02 Nov 23BuyUS$5,054GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany75,000US$0.068
04 Oct 23BuyUS$8,816GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany125,000US$0.071
26 Sep 23BuyUS$4,338Colin MooreIndividual60,000US$0.074
22 Sep 23BuyUS$5,672GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany75,000US$0.078
15 Sep 23BuyUS$6,009GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management ArmCompany75,000US$0.08

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: WGLI.F insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of WGLI.F?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Individual Insiders7,538,6666.44%
General Public101,064,23886.4%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 27.5%.

Top Shareholders

Top 7 shareholders own 13.61% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
GNA Financial Advisors Inc, Asset Management Arm
6,382,000US$307.6k7.99%no data
Mark Monaghan
4,252,000US$205.0k0%no data
Colin Moore
2,860,000US$137.9k0.85%no data
U.S. Global Investors, Inc.
Robert Edie
250,000US$12.1k0%no data
Allan Fabbro
100,000US$4.8k0%no data
Charles Beil
76,666US$3.7k0%no data