American Copper Development Corporation

OTCPK:ACDX.F Stock Report

Market Cap: US$3.1m

American Copper Development Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

OTCPK:ACDX.F Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
23 Aug 24BuyUS$267Gerhard ShieberIndividual6,000US$0.044
21 Aug 24BuyUS$88Gerhard ShieberIndividual2,000US$0.044
20 Jun 24BuyUS$1,314Gerhard ShieberIndividual20,000US$0.066
07 Jun 24BuyUS$625Gerhard ShieberIndividual10,000US$0.063
31 May 24BuyUS$1,466Gerhard ShieberIndividual20,000US$0.073
23 May 24BuyUS$1,314Gerhard ShieberIndividual20,000US$0.066
08 May 24BuyUS$3,097Gerhard ShieberIndividual50,000US$0.062
02 Feb 24BuyUS$2,234Gerhard ShieberIndividual40,000US$0.056
23 Jan 24BuyUS$2,032Gerhard ShieberIndividual40,000US$0.052
19 Jan 24BuyUS$1,114Gerhard ShieberIndividual20,000US$0.056
05 Jan 24BuyUS$1,012Gerhard ShieberIndividual15,000US$0.067
02 Jan 24BuyUS$1,087Gerhard ShieberIndividual16,000US$0.068
28 Dec 23BuyUS$273Gerhard ShieberIndividual4,000US$0.068
18 Dec 23BuyUS$1,417Gerhard ShieberIndividual20,000US$0.071
30 Nov 23BuyUS$1,326Gerhard ShieberIndividual20,000US$0.066
22 Nov 23BuyUS$1,165Gerhard ShieberIndividual20,000US$0.058
20 Nov 23BuyUS$597Gerhard ShieberIndividual10,000US$0.06
17 Nov 23BuyUS$2,548Gerhard ShieberIndividual40,000US$0.066
03 Nov 23BuyUS$1,280Gerhard ShieberIndividual20,000US$0.066
19 Oct 23BuyUS$1,833Gerhard ShieberIndividual25,000US$0.074
17 Oct 23BuyUS$733Gerhard ShieberIndividual10,000US$0.073

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: ACDX.F insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of ACDX.F?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Private Companies111,0000.119%
Individual Insiders8,973,0009.66%
Public Companies9,896,59110.7%
General Public73,921,66379.6%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have not been meaningfully diluted in the past year.

Top Shareholders

Top 7 shareholders own 20.43% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Hudbay Minerals Inc.
9,896,591US$330.6k0%no data
Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse
5,320,000US$177.7k0%no data
Gerhard Shieber
2,203,000US$73.6k0.36%no data
Curtis Freeman
1,000,000US$33.4k0%no data
Thomas Peregoodoff
350,000US$11.7k0%no data
Dynamis Capital Corp.
111,000US$3.7k0%no data
Stuart Ross
100,000US$3.3k0%no data