Nl Development Public Company Limited

SET:NL-R Stock Report

Market Cap: ฿730.0m

Nl Development Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: Insufficient data to determine if insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of NL-R?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
General Public133,704,39526.7%
Private Companies150,000,00030%
Individual Insiders216,295,60543.3%

Dilution of Shares: NL-R only recently listed within the past 12 months

Top Shareholders

Top 6 shareholders own 73.26% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
RL Janya Group International Company Limited
150,000,000฿219.0m0%no data
Sarun Rojlertjanya
112,265,220฿163.9m0%no data
Poomson Rojlertjanya
45,197,280฿66.0m0%no data
Chanin Rojlertjanya
33,058,595฿48.3m0%no data
Kosol Rojlertjanya
14,982,430฿21.9m0%no data
Thiti Rojlertjanya
10,792,080฿15.8m0%no data