Wall to Wall Group Valuation

Is WTW A undervalued compared to its fair value, analyst forecasts and its price relative to the market?

Valuation Score


Valuation Score 1/6

  • Below Fair Value

  • Significantly Below Fair Value

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Peers

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Industry

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio

  • Analyst Forecast

Share Price vs Fair Value

What is the Fair Price of WTW A when looking at its future cash flows? For this estimate we use a Discounted Cash Flow model.

Below Fair Value: WTW A (SEK66) is trading above our estimate of fair value (SEK48.55)

Significantly Below Fair Value: WTW A is trading above our estimate of fair value.

Key Valuation Metric

Which metric is best to use when looking at relative valuation for WTW A?

Key metric: As WTW A is profitable we use its Price-To-Earnings Ratio for relative valuation analysis.

The above table shows the Price to Earnings ratio for WTW A. This is calculated by dividing WTW A's market cap by their current earnings.
What is WTW A's PE Ratio?
PE Ratio24.9x
EarningsSEK 36.00m
Market CapSEK 894.70m

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Peers

How does WTW A's PE Ratio compare to its peers?

The above table shows the PE ratio for WTW A vs its peers. Here we also display the market cap and forecasted growth for additional consideration.
CompanyForward PEEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Peer Average34.4x
GHUS B Götenehus Group
14.4xn/aSEK 404.6m
58.9x76.0%SEK 2.5b
52.5x58.3%SEK 11.5b
EMBELL Embellence Group
11.8x15.1%SEK 708.5m
WTW A Wall to Wall Group
24.9x20.8%SEK 894.7m

Price-To-Earnings vs Peers: WTW A is good value based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (24.9x) compared to the peer average (34.4x).

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Industry

How does WTW A's PE Ratio compare vs other companies in the European Consumer Durables Industry?

5 CompaniesPrice / EarningsEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
WTW A 24.9xIndustry Avg. 12.4xNo. of Companies11PE0816243240+
5 CompaniesEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
No more companies

Price-To-Earnings vs Industry: WTW A is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (24.9x) compared to the European Consumer Durables industry average (12.4x).

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Fair Ratio

What is WTW A's PE Ratio compared to its Fair PE Ratio? This is the expected PE Ratio taking into account the company's forecast earnings growth, profit margins and other risk factors.

WTW A PE Ratio vs Fair Ratio.
Fair Ratio
Current PE Ratio24.9x
Fair PE Ratio18x

Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio: WTW A is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (24.9x) compared to the estimated Fair Price-To-Earnings Ratio (18x).

Analyst Price Targets

What is the analyst 12-month forecast and do we have any statistical confidence in the consensus price target?

Analyst Forecast: Insufficient data to show price forecast.

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