BankIslami Pakistan Limited

KASE:BIPL Stock Report

Market Cap: PK₨25.1b

BankIslami Pakistan Balance Sheet Health

Financial Health criteria checks 4/6

BankIslami Pakistan has total assets of PKR662.6B and total equity of PKR46.0B. Total deposits are PKR551.9B, and total loans are PKR209.4B.

Key information


Asset to equity ratio


Net interest margin

Total deposits


Loan to deposit ratio


Bad loans


Allowance for bad loans


Current ratio


Cash & equivalents


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Financial Position Analysis

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Balance Sheet

Financial Institutions Analysis

Asset Level: BIPL's Assets to Equity ratio (14.4x) is moderate.

Allowance for Bad Loans: BIPL has a low allowance for bad loans (84%).

Low Risk Liabilities: 89% of BIPL's liabilities are made up of primarily low risk sources of funding.

Loan Level: BIPL has an appropriate level of Loans to Assets ratio (32%).

Low Risk Deposits: BIPL's Loans to Deposits ratio (38%) is appropriate.

Level of Bad Loans: BIPL has a high level of bad loans (11%).

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