A108860 Stock Overview
Operates as an artificial intelligence (AI) company in South Korea. More details
Snowflake Score | |
Valuation | 0/6 |
Future Growth | 5/6 |
Past Performance | 0/6 |
Financial Health | 6/6 |
Dividends | 0/6 |
Risk Analysis
No risks detected for A108860 from our risk checks.
Selvas AI Inc. Competitors
Price History & Performance
Historical stock prices | |
Current Share Price | ₩11,500.00 |
52 Week High | ₩23,150.00 |
52 Week Low | ₩9,820.00 |
Beta | 0.52 |
11 Month Change | 13.52% |
3 Month Change | -23.08% |
1 Year Change | -38.07% |
33 Year Change | 37.23% |
5 Year Change | n/a |
Change since IPO | 172.73% |
Recent News & Updates
Shareholder Returns
A108860 | KR Software | KR Market | |
7D | 13.0% | 5.6% | 2.3% |
1Y | -38.1% | -11.4% | -3.8% |
Return vs Industry: A108860 underperformed the KR Software industry which returned -11.4% over the past year.
Return vs Market: A108860 underperformed the KR Market which returned -3.8% over the past year.
Price Volatility
A108860 volatility | |
A108860 Average Weekly Movement | 7.3% |
Software Industry Average Movement | 7.4% |
Market Average Movement | 5.7% |
10% most volatile stocks in KR Market | 11.4% |
10% least volatile stocks in KR Market | 2.7% |
Stable Share Price: A108860 has not had significant price volatility in the past 3 months compared to the KR market.
Volatility Over Time: A108860's weekly volatility (7%) has been stable over the past year.
About the Company
Founded | Employees | CEO | Website |
1999 | 170 | Jeong-In Doh | www.selvasai.com |
Selvas AI Inc. operates as an artificial intelligence (AI) company in South Korea. The company offers Selvy Note, an AI Voice Record for recognizing the content of conversations such as research, consultation, and meetings; Selvy MediVoice, an AI medical voice recognition that generates medical records during the medical process through voice; Selvy SpeechEdu, an AI training voice recognition for text utilization learning, sentence pronunciation accuracy learning, and sophisticated pronunciation at the phoneme/phonetic level. It also provides odiro, an AI voice content creation solution; Selvy Alrimi, an AI announcement solution to enter the broadcast content as text and the announcement voice can be automatically transmitted at the desired time; Selvy Checkup, an AI disease occurrence probability prediction solution; OnFit, an IoT-based smart fitness/fitness membership management program; Selpub, a cloud-based multimedia eBook; and DIODICT, a mobile electronic dictionary.
Selvas AI Inc. Fundamentals Summary
A108860 fundamental statistics | |
Market cap | ₩315.44b |
Earnings (TTM) | -₩3.79b |
Revenue (TTM) | ₩82.06b |
P/S Ratio-81.7x
P/E RatioIs A108860 overvalued?
See Fair Value and valuation analysisEarnings & Revenue
A108860 income statement (TTM) | |
Revenue | ₩82.06b |
Cost of Revenue | ₩33.89b |
Gross Profit | ₩48.17b |
Other Expenses | ₩51.96b |
Earnings | -₩3.79b |
Last Reported Earnings
Jun 30, 2024
Next Earnings Date
Earnings per share (EPS) | -140.74 |
Gross Margin | 58.70% |
Net Profit Margin | -4.62% |
Debt/Equity Ratio | 8.1% |
How did A108860 perform over the long term?
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