Nusantara Pelabuhan Handal Ownership
Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?
Recent Insider Transactions
Date | Value | Name | Entity | Role | Shares | Max Price |
28 Jun 24 | BuyRp947,185,974,478 | China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited | Company | 1,435,110,412 | Rp660.01 | |
28 Jun 24 | SellRp947,185,974,478 | PT Episenta Utama Investasi | Company | 1,435,110,412 | Rp660.01 |
Insider Trading Volume
Insider Buying: Insufficient data to determine if insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.
Ownership Breakdown
Owner Type | Number of Shares | Ownership Percentage |
General Public | 572,967,600 | 20.4% |
Private Companies | 805,863,973 | 28.6% |
Public Companies | 1,435,110,412 | 51% |
Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have not been meaningfully diluted in the past year.
Top Shareholders
Ownership | Name | Shares | Current Value | Change % | Portfolio % | |
1,435,110,412 | Rp1.2t | 0% | no data | |||
652,855,215 | Rp551.7b | 0% | no data | |||
153,008,758 | Rp129.3b | 0% | no data |