An investment holding company, engages in the milk products, logistics, and property investment businesses in Hong Kong, Australia, the People’s Republic of China.More details
Return vs Market: 948 underperformed the Hong Kong Market which returned 28.9% over the past year.
Price Volatility
Is 948's price volatile compared to industry and market?
948 volatility
948 Average Weekly Movement
Consumer Retailing Industry Average Movement
Market Average Movement
10% most volatile stocks in HK Market
10% least volatile stocks in HK Market
Stable Share Price: 948 has not had significant price volatility in the past 3 months compared to the Hong Kong market.
Volatility Over Time: 948's weekly volatility has decreased from 26% to 7% over the past year.
About the Company
Lei Zhao
Alpha Professional Holdings Limited, an investment holding company, engages in the milk products, logistics, and property investment businesses in Hong Kong, Australia, the People’s Republic of China. The company trades in milk powder under the Bellamy’s and Aptamil brands, as well as baby food; and engages in property rental and online sale of food activities. It also provides management, warehouse storage, and logistics services.
Alpha Professional Holdings Limited Fundamentals Summary
How do Alpha Professional Holdings's earnings and revenue compare to its market cap?
The data used in our company analysis is from S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. The following data is used in our analysis model to generate this report. Data is normalised which can introduce a delay from the source being available.
* Example for US securities, for non-US equivalent regulatory forms and sources are used.
Unless specified all financial data is based on a yearly period but updated quarterly. This is known as Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) or Last Twelve Month (LTM) Data. Learn more.
Analysis Model and Snowflake
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Industry and Sector Metrics
Our industry and section metrics are calculated every 6 hours by Simply Wall St, details of our process are available on Github.
Analyst Sources
Alpha Professional Holdings Limited is covered by 0 analysts. 0 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.