Kin and Carta Management

Management criteria checks 3/4

Kin and Carta's CEO is Kelly Manthey, appointed in Aug 2022, has a tenure of 1.67 years. total yearly compensation is £498.50K, comprised of 87% salary and 13% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.19% of the company’s shares, worth £417.75K. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 4.3 years and 4.8 years respectively.

Key information

Kelly Manthey

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentage87.0%
CEO tenure1.7yrs
CEO ownership0.2%
Management average tenure4.3yrs
Board average tenure4.8yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

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Kin and Carta plc's (LON:KCT) Intrinsic Value Is Potentially 19% Below Its Share Price

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Market Cool On Kin and Carta plc's (LON:KCT) Earnings Pushing Shares 25% Lower

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CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Kelly Manthey's remuneration changed compared to Kin and Carta's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Jul 31 2023UK£499kUK£434k


Compensation vs Market: Kelly's total compensation ($USD623.72K) is about average for companies of similar size in the UK market ($USD770.73K).

Compensation vs Earnings: Insufficient data to compare Kelly's compensation with company performance.


Kelly Manthey (48 yo)





Ms. Kelly Manthey serves as Chief Executive Officer & Director at Kin and Carta plc since August 01, 2022. She was the Group Chief Executive of Americas at Kin and Carta plc since February 2020 until Augus...

Leadership Team

Kelly Manthey
CEO, Group Chief Executive of Americas & Director1.7yrsUK£498.50k0.19%
£ 417.7k
George Kutsor
CFO, COO & Director4.8yrsUK£430.90k0.50%
£ 1.1m
Charlie Wrench
Interim Head of Communicationsno datano datano data
Matthew Froggatt
Group Managing Director of Inciteno datano datano data
David Tuck
Chief Executive of Europe3.7yrsno datano data
Adam Hasemeyer
Group CEO of Kin Carta's Americas region1.5yrsno datano data
Richard Neish
Chief Strategy Officerno datano datano data
Damian Coverdale
Chief Executive Officer of Edit6.1yrsno datano data
Tom Holt
Chief Executive Officer of Pragma8.7yrsno datano data
Fiona Proudler
Chief Executive Officer of AmazeRealiseno datano datano data
Jas Hummel
Founder & CEO of Hive6.3yrsno datano data
Lucy Maxwell
Company Secretaryless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: KCT's management team is considered experienced (4.3 years average tenure).

Board Members

Kelly Manthey
CEO, Group Chief Executive of Americas & Director1.7yrsUK£498.50k0.19%
£ 417.7k
George Kutsor
CFO, COO & Director4.8yrsUK£430.90k0.50%
£ 1.1m
David Bell
Independent Non-Executive Director5.7yrsUK£42.50k0.049%
£ 109.5k
Nigel Pocklington
Senior Independent Director7.8yrsUK£53.30k0.012%
£ 27.5k
Maria Gordian
Independent Non-Executive Director2.4yrsUK£42.50kno data
Michele Maher
Independent Non Executive Director4.9yrsUK£50.00k0.016%
£ 36.4k
John Kerr
Non-Executive Independent Chairman4.8yrsUK£120.00k0.065%
£ 145.6k


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: KCT's board of directors are considered experienced (4.8 years average tenure).