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Xvivo Perfusion LSE:0RKL Stock Report

Last Price

SEK 399.34

Market Cap

SEK 12.8b






14 Mar, 2025


Company Financials +

Xvivo Perfusion AB (publ)

LSE:0RKL Stock Report

Market Cap: SEK 12.8b

0RKL Stock Overview

A medical technology company, develops and markets machines and perfusion solutions for assessing usable organs and maintains in optimal condition pending transplantation in Sweden, the United States, the Netherlands, Italy, North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific, and Oceania. More details

0RKL fundamental analysis
Snowflake Score
Future Growth5/6
Past Performance5/6
Financial Health6/6

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Price History & Performance

Summary of share price highs, lows and changes for Xvivo Perfusion
Historical stock prices
Current Share PriceSEK 399.34
52 Week HighSEK 545.00
52 Week LowSEK 263.68
1 Month Change-13.18%
3 Month Change-14.56%
1 Year Change44.44%
3 Year Change59.42%
5 Year Change299.34%
Change since IPO342.48%

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Shareholder Returns

0RKLGB Medical EquipmentGB Market

Return vs Industry: 0RKL exceeded the UK Medical Equipment industry which returned -5.5% over the past year.

Return vs Market: 0RKL exceeded the UK Market which returned 7.2% over the past year.

Price Volatility

Is 0RKL's price volatile compared to industry and market?
0RKL volatility
0RKL Average Weekly Movement5.6%
Medical Equipment Industry Average Movement6.6%
Market Average Movement4.9%
10% most volatile stocks in GB Market10.2%
10% least volatile stocks in GB Market2.7%

Stable Share Price: 0RKL has not had significant price volatility in the past 3 months compared to the UK market.

Volatility Over Time: 0RKL's weekly volatility (6%) has been stable over the past year.

About the Company

1998170Christoffer Rosenbladwww.xvivogroup.com

Xvivo Perfusion AB (publ), a medical technology company, develops and markets machines and perfusion solutions for assessing usable organs and maintains in optimal condition pending transplantation in Sweden, the United States, the Netherlands, Italy, North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific, and Oceania. The company offers Kidney Assist Transport, a portable device that allows hypothermic pulsatile perfusion of donor kidneys with oxygenated solution for up to 24 hours; Liver Assist that provides clinicians a choice of perfusion protocols whether hypothermic, normothermic, sub-normothermic, or a combination; XVIVO System (XPS), a comprehensive ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) platform that offers an overview of the entire process; and STEEN Solution, a buffered extracellular solution intended for the assessment of isolated lungs after removal from the donor in preparation for eventual transplantation into a recipient. It also provides Perfadex Plus, an extracellular, low potassium, dextran-based electrolyte preservation solution; XPS Disposable Lung Kit that contains all the necessary devices and tubing to run a normothermic EVLP procedure on the XPS; XVIVO Organ Chamber, a sterile single-use container intended to be used as a temporary receptacle for isolated donor lungs; and XVIVO Lung Cannula Set, a sterile single-use set that connects isolated donor lungs to an extracorporeal perfusion system for ex-vivo assessment.

Xvivo Perfusion AB (publ) Fundamentals Summary

How do Xvivo Perfusion's earnings and revenue compare to its market cap?
0RKL fundamental statistics
Market capSEK 12.76b
Earnings (TTM)SEK 172.18m
Revenue (TTM)SEK 822.42m


P/E Ratio


P/S Ratio

Earnings & Revenue

Key profitability statistics from the latest earnings report (TTM)
0RKL income statement (TTM)
RevenueSEK 822.42m
Cost of RevenueSEK 206.00m
Gross ProfitSEK 616.42m
Other ExpensesSEK 444.23m
EarningsSEK 172.18m

Last Reported Earnings

Dec 31, 2024

Next Earnings Date


Earnings per share (EPS)5.47
Gross Margin74.95%
Net Profit Margin20.94%
Debt/Equity Ratio0%

How did 0RKL perform over the long term?

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Company Analysis and Financial Data Status

DataLast Updated (UTC time)
Company Analysis2025/03/14 20:27
End of Day Share Price 2025/03/14 00:00
Annual Earnings2024/12/31

Data Sources

The data used in our company analysis is from S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. The following data is used in our analysis model to generate this report. Data is normalised which can introduce a delay from the source being available.

PackageDataTimeframeExample US Source *
Company Financials10 years
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Balance sheet
Analyst Consensus Estimates+3 years
  • Forecast financials
  • Analyst price targets
Market Prices30 years
  • Stock prices
  • Dividends, Splits and Actions
Ownership10 years
  • Top shareholders
  • Insider trading
Management10 years
  • Leadership team
  • Board of directors
Key Developments10 years
  • Company announcements

* Example for US securities, for non-US equivalent regulatory forms and sources are used.

Unless specified all financial data is based on a yearly period but updated quarterly. This is known as Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) or Last Twelve Month (LTM) Data. Learn more.

Analysis Model and Snowflake

Details of the analysis model used to generate this report is available on our Github page, we also have guides on how to use our reports and tutorials on Youtube.

Learn about the world class team who designed and built the Simply Wall St analysis model.

Industry and Sector Metrics

Our industry and section metrics are calculated every 6 hours by Simply Wall St, details of our process are available on Github.

Analyst Sources

Xvivo Perfusion AB (publ) is covered by 11 analysts. 6 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.

Dylan van HaaftenBryan Garnier & Co
Maria Vara FernándezBryan Garnier & Co
Kristofer Liljeberg-SvenssonCarnegie Investment Bank AB