Jyske Bank Valuation

Is 0MGD undervalued compared to its fair value, analyst forecasts and its price relative to the market?

Valuation Score


Valuation Score 4/6

  • Below Fair Value

  • Significantly Below Fair Value

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Peers

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Industry

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio

  • Analyst Forecast

Share Price vs Fair Value

What is the Fair Price of 0MGD when looking at its future cash flows? For this estimate we use a Discounted Cash Flow model.

Below Fair Value: 0MGD (DKK530) is trading below our estimate of fair value (DKK1292.55)

Significantly Below Fair Value: 0MGD is trading below fair value by more than 20%.

Key Valuation Metric

Which metric is best to use when looking at relative valuation for 0MGD?

Other financial metrics that can be useful for relative valuation.

0MGD key valuation metrics and ratios. From Price to Earnings, Price to Sales and Price to Book to Price to Earnings Growth Ratio, Enterprise Value and EBITDA.
Key Statistics
Enterprise Value/Revenuen/a
Enterprise Value/EBITDAn/a
PEG Ratio-0.5x

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Peers

How does 0MGD's PE Ratio compare to its peers?

The above table shows the PE ratio for 0MGD vs its peers. Here we also display the market cap and forecasted growth for additional consideration.
CompanyForward PEEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Peer Average6.4x
HSBK Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan
TCS TCS Group Holding
VMUK Virgin Money UK
TBCG TBC Bank Group
0MGD Jyske Bank
5.6x-11.1%DKK 32.6b

Price-To-Earnings vs Peers: 0MGD is good value based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (5.6x) compared to the peer average (6.4x).

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Industry

How does 0MGD's PE Ratio compare vs other companies in the European Banks Industry?

0 CompaniesPrice / EarningsEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Industry Avg.n/a1.8%
No. of CompaniesPE048121620

Fetching data

0 CompaniesPrice / EarningsEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Industry Avg.n/a1.8%
No more companies

Price-To-Earnings vs Industry: 0MGD is good value based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (5.6x) compared to the European Banks industry average (7.6x).

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Fair Ratio

What is 0MGD's PE Ratio compared to its Fair PE Ratio? This is the expected PE Ratio taking into account the company's forecast earnings growth, profit margins and other risk factors.

0MGD PE Ratio vs Fair Ratio.
Fair Ratio
Current PE Ratio5.6x
Fair PE Ratio4.9x

Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio: 0MGD is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (5.6x) compared to the estimated Fair Price-To-Earnings Ratio (4.9x).

Analyst Price Targets

What is the analyst 12-month forecast and do we have any statistical confidence in the consensus price target?

The above table shows the analyst 0MGD forecast and predictions for the stock price in 12 month’s time.
DateShare PriceAverage 1Y Price TargetDispersionHighLow1Y Actual priceAnalysts
CurrentDKK 530.00
DKK 618.75
4.7%DKK 650.00DKK 585.00n/a4
Sep ’25DKK 541.50
DKK 618.75
4.7%DKK 650.00DKK 585.00n/a4
Aug ’25DKK 544.11
DKK 631.25
4.4%DKK 670.00DKK 600.00n/a4
Jul ’25DKK 551.56
DKK 631.25
4.4%DKK 670.00DKK 600.00n/a4
Jun ’25DKK 568.72
DKK 641.67
3.8%DKK 670.00DKK 610.00n/a3
May ’25DKK 574.00
DKK 652.00
6.3%DKK 700.00DKK 600.00n/a3
Apr ’25DKK 582.60
DKK 617.33
7.8%DKK 662.00DKK 550.00n/a3
Mar ’25DKK 559.94
DKK 620.50
6.8%DKK 662.00DKK 550.00n/a4
Feb ’25DKK 528.66
DKK 613.75
7.0%DKK 645.00DKK 540.00n/a4
Jan ’25DKK 482.50
DKK 593.33
8.7%DKK 630.00DKK 520.00n/a3
Dec ’24DKK 474.92
DKK 595.40
7.5%DKK 650.00DKK 532.00n/a5
Nov ’24DKK 482.28
DKK 599.40
7.1%DKK 650.00DKK 532.00n/a5
Oct ’24DKK 517.80
DKK 608.20
5.0%DKK 650.00DKK 576.00n/a5
Sep ’24DKK 490.56
DKK 614.20
6.2%DKK 670.00DKK 576.00DKK 541.505
Aug ’24DKK 513.73
DKK 611.20
5.9%DKK 660.00DKK 576.00DKK 544.115
Jul ’24DKK 519.91
DKK 580.17
13.2%DKK 660.00DKK 425.00DKK 551.566
Jun ’24DKK 481.41
DKK 581.00
14.5%DKK 660.00DKK 425.00DKK 568.725
May ’24DKK 492.63
DKK 568.75
16.1%DKK 680.00DKK 425.00DKK 574.004
Apr ’24DKK 482.41
DKK 576.25
17.6%DKK 710.00DKK 425.00DKK 582.604
Mar ’24DKK 588.12
DKK 530.50
20.2%DKK 710.00DKK 425.00DKK 559.944
Feb ’24DKK 496.33
DKK 475.50
6.2%DKK 497.00DKK 425.00DKK 528.664
Jan ’24DKK 451.25
DKK 447.50
6.6%DKK 490.00DKK 415.00DKK 482.504
Dec ’23DKK 434.82
DKK 447.50
6.6%DKK 490.00DKK 415.00DKK 474.924
Nov ’23DKK 376.90
DKK 438.00
9.8%DKK 475.00DKK 360.00DKK 482.285
Oct ’23DKK 394.51
DKK 441.00
10.5%DKK 490.00DKK 360.00DKK 517.805
Sep ’23DKK 363.00
DKK 430.00
8.7%DKK 465.00DKK 360.00DKK 490.565

Analyst Forecast: Target price is less than 20% higher than the current share price.

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