Cryptoblox Technologies Inc.

DB:EVB0 Stock Report

Market Cap: €9.4m

Cryptoblox Technologies Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

DB:EVB0 Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
29 Feb 24Sell€16,545Maryam Amin-ShanjaniIndividual178,571€0.12
12 Dec 23Buy€612,912Michael ChowIndividual18,000,000€0.034

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: Insufficient data to determine if insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of EVB0?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Individual Insiders19,340,20017.7%
Private Companies36,000,00032.9%
General Public53,974,39949.4%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been substantially diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 64.6%.

Top Shareholders

Top 6 shareholders own 50.62% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Michael Chow
18,000,000€1.6m0%no data
Solar Cryptotree Technologies Fze
18,000,000€1.6m0%no data
Daymak Inc.
18,000,000€1.6m0%no data
Akshay Sood
992,045€85.4k1,720%no data
Hui-Fai Ho
254,405€21.9k10.9%no data
Maryam Amin-Shanjani
93,750€8.1k0%no data