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VROS Stock Overview
A real estate merchant banking company, provides investment and advisory solutions for family offices, high net worth individuals, institutional investors, financial institutions, and fund managers.
Snowflake Score | |
Valuation | 2/6 |
Future Growth | 0/6 |
Past Performance | 0/6 |
Financial Health | 1/6 |
Dividends | 0/6 |
Verianos SE Competitors
Price History & Performance
Historical stock prices | |
Current Share Price | €0.041 |
52 Week High | €0.51 |
52 Week Low | €0.0005 |
Beta | 0.91 |
11 Month Change | -80.84% |
3 Month Change | -87.03% |
1 Year Change | -91.35% |
33 Year Change | -96.02% |
5 Year Change | -97.19% |
Change since IPO | -97.44% |
Recent News & Updates
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Shareholder Returns
VROS | DE Real Estate | DE Market | |
7D | 0% | 1.0% | -0.7% |
1Y | -91.4% | 14.4% | 4.0% |
Return vs Industry: VROS underperformed the German Real Estate industry which returned 13.4% over the past year.
Return vs Market: VROS underperformed the German Market which returned -0.8% over the past year.
Price Volatility
VROS volatility | |
VROS Average Weekly Movement | 68.7% |
Real Estate Industry Average Movement | 6.1% |
Market Average Movement | 4.9% |
10% most volatile stocks in DE Market | 11.7% |
10% least volatile stocks in DE Market | 2.5% |
Stable Share Price: VROS's share price has been volatile over the past 3 months.
Volatility Over Time: VROS's weekly volatility has increased from 35% to 69% over the past year.
About the Company
Founded | Employees | CEO | Website |
1991 | 37 | n/a | |
Verianos SE, a real estate merchant banking company, provides investment and advisory solutions for family offices, high net worth individuals, institutional investors, financial institutions, and fund managers. It offers product and strategy development services comprising identification of investment opportunities, repositioning of assets and brownfield sites, and user concepts and community development, as well as operates internal innovation lab; investment management services, including structuring of investment vehicles and products, devising of corporate structures, financial/ fund modelling, and controlling and reporting; and capital raising and debt finance services, such as equity and debt, equity placement / capital raising for investment products, financing of assets and portfolios, and financial engineering. The company also provides transaction management services comprising properties and securitized claims, sourcing and acquisition, asset due diligences, and brokerage services; asset management services, such as lease, tenant, contract, and in house asset management; construction management services that includes in house property development, feasibility studies, and obtaining of planning permits, as well as redevelopment and refurbishment of existing properties; and financial and consultancy services.
Verianos SE Fundamentals Summary
VROS fundamental statistics | |
Market cap | €13.75k |
Earnings (TTM) | -€3.71m |
Revenue (TTM) | €1.81m |
P/S Ratio-0.2x
P/E RatioIs VROS overvalued?
See Fair Value and valuation analysisEarnings & Revenue
VROS income statement (TTM) | |
Revenue | €1.81m |
Cost of Revenue | -€208.37k |
Gross Profit | €2.02m |
Other Expenses | €5.73m |
Earnings | -€3.71m |
Last Reported Earnings
Jun 30, 2023
Next Earnings Date
Earnings per share (EPS) | -0.27 |
Gross Margin | 111.51% |
Net Profit Margin | -204.99% |
Debt/Equity Ratio | 612.5% |
How did VROS perform over the long term?
See historical performance and comparison