A cell analysis solutions company, provides cell analysis tools that facilitates scientific advances in biomedical research and clinical applications.More details
Cytek Biosciences, Inc., a cell analysis solutions company, provides cell analysis tools that facilitates scientific advances in biomedical research and clinical applications. It offers aurora and northern lights systems, which are spectrum flow cytometers that delivers cell analysis by utilizing the fluorescence signatures from multiple lasers to distinguish fluorescent tags on single cells; and aurora cell sorter system that leverages full spectrum profiling technology to further broaden potential applications across cell analysis; aurora CS systems; amnis imagestream imaging flow cytometers; guava muse cell analyzers; guava easycyte flow cytometers; and orion reagent cocktail preparation systems. The company also provides reagents and kits, including cFluor reagents that are fluorochrome conjugated antibodies used to identify cells of interest for analysis on its instruments, as well as 25-color immunoprofiling assay that provides turnkey solutions for identifying major human immune subpopulations for TBNK cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, and basophils.
Cytek Biosciences, Inc. Fundamentals Summary
How do Cytek Biosciences's earnings and revenue compare to its market cap?
The data used in our company analysis is from S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. The following data is used in our analysis model to generate this report. Data is normalised which can introduce a delay from the source being available.
* example for US securities, for non-US equivalent regulatory forms and sources are used.
Unless specified all financial data is based on a yearly period but updated quarterly. This is known as Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) or Last Twelve Month (LTM) Data. Learn more here.
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Analyst Sources
Cytek Biosciences, Inc. is covered by 8 analysts. 6 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.