Asahi Kasei Management

Management criteria checks 4/4

Asahi Kasei's CEO is Koshiro Kudo, appointed in Apr 2022, has a tenure of 2.67 years. total yearly compensation is ¥162.00M, comprised of 61.7% salary and 38.3% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.002% of the company’s shares, worth €158.69K. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 2.7 years and 3 years respectively.

Key information

Koshiro Kudo

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentage61.7%
CEO tenure2.7yrs
CEO ownership0.002%
Management average tenure2.7yrs
Board average tenure3yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Koshiro Kudo's remuneration changed compared to Asahi Kasei's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Sep 30 2024n/an/a


Jun 30 2024n/an/a


Mar 31 2024JP¥162mJP¥100m


Dec 31 2023n/an/a


Sep 30 2023n/an/a


Jun 30 2023n/an/a


Mar 31 2023JP¥153mJP¥90m


Compensation vs Market: Koshiro's total compensation ($USD1.07M) is below average for companies of similar size in the German market ($USD4.85M).

Compensation vs Earnings: Koshiro's compensation has been consistent with company performance over the past year.


Koshiro Kudo (65 yo)





Mr. Koshiro Kudo serves as Director at Asahi Kasei Corporation since June 2021 and had been its Chief Financial Officer and has been its Representative Director, President and Presidential Executive Office...

Leadership Team

Koshiro Kudo
€ 158.7k
Toshiyasu Horie
CFO, EO of Strategy2.7yrsno data0.0016%
€ 147.6k
Futoshi Hamamoto
General Manager of Investor Relationsno datano datano data
Satoshi Nishikawa
Lead Executive Officer & Executive Officer for HRless than a yearno datano data
Shuichi Sakamoto
Primary Executive Officer for Health Care Business Sector (joint)5.7yrsno datano data
Richard Packer
Primary Executive Officer for Health Care Business Sector (Joint)8.7yrsno datano data
Hideyuki Yamagishi
Primary Executive Officer5.9yrsno datano data
Jonathan Rennert
Senior Executive Officer5.9yrsno datano data
Hideki Tsutsumi
Senior Executive Officer and Executive Officer for Procurement & Logistics2.7yrsno datano data
Fumitoshi Kawabata
Vice-Presidential Executive Officer & EO for Homes Business Sector5.7yrsno datano data
Minoru Suetsugu
Senior Executive Officerless than a yearno datano data
Yukifumi Kuwaba
Lead Executive Officer2.7yrsno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: ASAA's management team is considered experienced (2.7 years average tenure).

Board Members

Koshiro Kudo
€ 158.7k
Toshiyasu Horie
CFO, EO of Strategy2.5yrsno data0.0016%
€ 147.6k
Hiroki Ideguchi
Senior Executive Officer & Director1.5yrsno data0.00077%
€ 71.5k
Kazushi Kuse
Vice-Presidential Executive Officer2.5yrsno data0.00087%
€ 80.7k
Masatsugu Kawase
Senior Executive Officer & Director1.5yrsno data0.00086%
€ 79.8k
Yoshinori Yamashita
Independent Outside Directorless than a yearno datano data
Hideki Kobori
€ 501.1k
Yutaka Shibata
Full-Time Audit & Supervisory Board Member3.5yrsno data0.0023%
€ 211.6k
Chieko Matsuda
Independent Outside Director1.5yrsno datano data
Takeshi Okamoto
Independent Outside Director6.5yrsno datano data
Yuko Maeda
Independent Outside Director3.5yrsno datano data
Akemi Mochizuki
Independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member3.5yrsno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: ASAA's board of directors are considered experienced (3 years average tenure).