Gjensidige Forsikring Management

Management criteria checks 3/4

Gjensidige Forsikring's CEO is Geir Holmgren, appointed in Jan 2023, has a tenure of 1.92 years. total yearly compensation is NOK9.31M, comprised of 59.4% salary and 40.6% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.009% of the company’s shares, worth €800.77K. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 4.5 years and 4.6 years respectively.

Key information

Geir Holmgren

Chief executive officer

NOK 9.3m

Total compensation

CEO salary percentage59.4%
CEO tenure1.9yrs
CEO ownership0.009%
Management average tenure4.5yrs
Board average tenure4.6yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Geir Holmgren's remuneration changed compared to Gjensidige Forsikring's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Sep 30 2024n/an/a

NOK 5b

Jun 30 2024n/an/a

NOK 4b

Mar 31 2024n/an/a

NOK 4b

Dec 31 2023NOK 9mNOK 6m

NOK 4b

Compensation vs Market: Geir's total compensation ($USD834.93K) is below average for companies of similar size in the German market ($USD3.21M).

Compensation vs Earnings: Insufficient data to compare Geir's compensation with company performance.


Geir Holmgren (52 yo)



NOK 9,307,266


Mr. Geir Holmgren is Chief Executive Officer at Gjensidige Forsikring ASA since January 01, 2023. He served as Executive Vice President of Corporate Market at Storebrand ASA until June 03, 2022. Mr. Holmgr...

Leadership Team

Geir Holmgren
Chief Executive Officer1.9yrsNOK 9.31m0.0092%
€ 800.8k
Jostein Amdal
Executive VP of Governance8.2yrsNOK 6.36m0.0064%
€ 557.5k
Johan Rostoft
Executive Vice President of Technology & Insight1.3yrsNOK 3.56mno data
Siri Langangen
Executive Vice President of People & Communication1.3yrsNOK 3.29mno data
Catharina Hellerud
Chief Risk Officer8.9yrsNOK 3.40m0.0057%
€ 499.7k
Lars Bjerklund
Executive Vice President of Commercial6.3yrsNOK 5.69m0.0011%
€ 98.9k
Rene Floystol
Executive Vice President of Private4.5yrsNOK 4.91m0.0012%
€ 106.8k
Berit Nilsen
Executive Vice President of Analytics1.3yrsNOK 4.24m0.00057%
€ 49.9k
Erik Ranberg
Head of Investmentsno datano datano data
Karen Christoffersen
Accounting Directorno datano datano data
Mitra Negård
Head of Investor Relationsno datano datano data
Bernard Zysman
Chief Legal Officer9.7yrsno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: XGJ's management team is considered experienced (4.5 years average tenure).

Board Members

Gyrid Ingero
Directorless than a yearno datano data
Gisele Marchand
Independent Chairman of the Board14.9yrsNOK 901.00kno data
Gunnar Sellaeg
Independent Board Member4.6yrsNOK 424.10kno data
Vibeke Krag
Independent Director6.7yrsNOK 587.70kno data
Terje Seljeseth
Independent Director6.7yrsNOK 473.30kno data
Tor Lonnum
Independent Director4.6yrsNOK 514.44kno data
Hilde Nafstad
Independent Director7.7yrsNOK 511.00kno data
Ellen Enger
Employee Representative Director4.6yrsNOK 433.00k0.00031%
€ 27.1k
Eivind Elnan
Independent Director7.7yrsNOK 516.17kno data
Ruben Pettersen
Employee Representative Director4.6yrsNOK 511.80k0.00023%
€ 20.1k
Sebastian Buur Kristiansen
Employee Representative Director4.3yrsNOK 482.20k0.00018%
€ 15.8k


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: XGJ's board of directors are considered experienced (4.6 years average tenure).