TKM Grupp AS
DB:UE8 Stock Report
TKM Grupp Ownership
Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?
Recent Insider Transactions
Insider Buying: Insufficient data to determine if insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.
Ownership Breakdown
What is the ownership structure of UE8?Owner Type | Number of Shares | Ownership Percentage |
Individual Insiders | 1,086,769 | 2.67% |
Institutions | 1,798,788 | 4.42% |
General Public | 10,312,164 | 25.3% |
Private Companies | 27,531,479 | 67.6% |
Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have not been meaningfully diluted in the past year.
Top Shareholders
Top 12 shareholders own 74.68% of the companyOwnership | Name | Shares | Current Value | Change % | Portfolio % | |
| | 27,329,293 | €253.9m | 0% | no data | |
| | 899,769 | €8.4m | 0% | no data | |
| Swedbank Investeerimisfondid AS | 836,037 | €7.8m | 0% | 0.41% | |
| Swedbank Ieguldijumu Parvaldes Sabiedriba AS | 527,375 | €4.9m | 0% | 0.21% | |
| | 202,186 | €1.9m | 0% | no data | |
| | 170,000 | €1.6m | 0% | no data | |
| | 168,184 | €1.6m | 0% | 0.64% | |
| Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, Private Banking, Investment Banking, and Insurance Arm | 137,358 | €1.3m | 0% | 0.02% | |
| | 119,042 | €1.1m | 0% | no data | |
| | 17,000 | €157.9k | 0% | no data | |
| | 8,650 | €80.4k | 0% | 0.43% | |
| | 2,142 | €19.9k | 0% | no data | |