MUB Stock Overview
Engages in the production and personalization of smart cards, passports, solar cells, and RFID solutions in Germany, rest of Europe, Asia, the United States, Africa, and internationally. More details
Snowflake Score | |
Valuation | 0/6 |
Future Growth | 0/6 |
Past Performance | 4/6 |
Financial Health | 6/6 |
Dividends | 2/6 |
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Price History & Performance
Historical stock prices | |
Current Share Price | €38.60 |
52 Week High | €57.00 |
52 Week Low | €34.00 |
Beta | 0.24 |
1 Month Change | 3.76% |
3 Month Change | -11.87% |
1 Year Change | -29.17% |
3 Year Change | -29.82% |
5 Year Change | 1.58% |
Change since IPO | 20.94% |
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Shareholder Returns
MUB | DE Machinery | DE Market | |
7D | 2.1% | 0.6% | 0.7% |
1Y | -29.2% | 10.8% | 8.4% |
Return vs Industry: MUB underperformed the German Machinery industry which returned 10.8% over the past year.
Return vs Market: MUB underperformed the German Market which returned 8.4% over the past year.
Price Volatility
MUB volatility | |
MUB Average Weekly Movement | 5.9% |
Machinery Industry Average Movement | 3.9% |
Market Average Movement | 4.9% |
10% most volatile stocks in DE Market | 12.0% |
10% least volatile stocks in DE Market | 2.4% |
Stable Share Price: MUB has not had significant price volatility in the past 3 months compared to the German market.
Volatility Over Time: MUB's weekly volatility (6%) has been stable over the past year.
About the Company
Founded | Employees | CEO | Website |
1981 | 4,198 | Josef Muhlbauer | |
Mühlbauer Holding AG engages in the production and personalization of smart cards, passports, solar cells, and RFID solutions in Germany, rest of Europe, Asia, the United States, Africa, and internationally. The company is involved in sorting of microchips and carrier tape equipment; automation, marking, and traceability systems; manufacturing and sales of high-precision components; and provision of semiconductor related products, such as die sorting, carrier tapes, flip chips for LED, RFID/SMART labels, flexible solar technology, and multicomponent flexible electronic, as well as vision inspection products, including TEMA security inspection and TEMA industrial inspection equipment. It also offers consumables; accessories, such as card measuring stations, UV-lamps, thread counters, color fans, tool trollies, and cardboard cartons for cards; and support services.
Mühlbauer Holding AG Fundamentals Summary
MUB fundamental statistics | |
Market cap | €564.84m |
Earnings (TTM) | €32.06m |
Revenue (TTM) | €462.26m |
P/E Ratio1.2x
P/S RatioIs MUB overvalued?
See Fair Value and valuation analysisEarnings & Revenue
MUB income statement (TTM) | |
Revenue | €462.26m |
Cost of Revenue | €171.27m |
Gross Profit | €290.99m |
Other Expenses | €258.93m |
Earnings | €32.06m |
Last Reported Earnings
Jun 30, 2024
Next Earnings Date
Earnings per share (EPS) | 2.26 |
Gross Margin | 62.95% |
Net Profit Margin | 6.94% |
Debt/Equity Ratio | 0% |
How did MUB perform over the long term?
See historical performance and comparisonDividends
Current Dividend Yield45%
Payout RatioCompany Analysis and Financial Data Status
Data | Last Updated (UTC time) |
Company Analysis | 2025/01/03 09:49 |
End of Day Share Price | 2025/01/02 00:00 |
Earnings | 2024/06/30 |
Annual Earnings | 2023/12/31 |
Data Sources
The data used in our company analysis is from S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. The following data is used in our analysis model to generate this report. Data is normalised which can introduce a delay from the source being available.
Package | Data | Timeframe | Example US Source * |
Company Financials | 10 years |
| |
Analyst Consensus Estimates | +3 years |
Market Prices | 30 years |
| |
Ownership | 10 years |
| |
Management | 10 years |
| |
Key Developments | 10 years |
* example for US securities, for non-US equivalent regulatory forms and sources are used.
Unless specified all financial data is based on a yearly period but updated quarterly. This is known as Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) or Last Twelve Month (LTM) Data. Learn more here.
Analysis Model and Snowflake
Details of the analysis model used to generate this report is available on our Github page, we also have guides on how to use our reports and tutorials on Youtube.
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Industry and Sector Metrics
Our industry and section metrics are calculated every 6 hours by Simply Wall St, details of our process are available on .
Analyst Sources
Mühlbauer Holding AG is covered by 4 analysts. 0 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.
Analyst | Institution |
Johannes Schaller | Deutsche Bank |
Dirk Schlamp | Dz Bank Ag |
Alexandra Schadow | Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg Equity and Fixed Income Research |