First Interstate BancSystem, Inc.

DB:4FB Stock Report

Market Cap: €2.8b

First Interstate BancSystem Dividend

Dividend criteria checks 5/6

First Interstate BancSystem is a dividend paying company with a current yield of 6.33% that is well covered by earnings.

Key information


Dividend yield


Payout ratio

Industry average yield2.4%
Next dividend pay daten/a
Ex dividend daten/a
Dividend per share€1.880
Earnings per share€2.42
Dividend yield forecast6.4%

Recent dividend updates

Recent updates

Stability and Growth of Payments

Fetching dividends data

Stable Dividend: 4FB's dividends per share have been stable in the past 10 years.

Growing Dividend: 4FB's dividend payments have increased over the past 10 years.

Dividend Yield vs Market

First Interstate BancSystem Dividend Yield vs Market
How does 4FB dividend yield compare to the market?
SegmentDividend Yield
Company (4FB)6.3%
Market Bottom 25% (DE)1.6%
Market Top 25% (DE)4.7%
Industry Average (Banks)2.4%
Analyst forecast (4FB) (up to 3 years)6.4%

Notable Dividend: 4FB's dividend (6.33%) is higher than the bottom 25% of dividend payers in the German market (1.61%).

High Dividend: 4FB's dividend (6.33%) is in the top 25% of dividend payers in the German market (4.72%)

Current Payout to Shareholders

Earnings Coverage: At its current payout ratio (76.9%), 4FB's payments are covered by earnings.

Future Payout to Shareholders

Future Dividend Coverage: Insufficient data to determine if a dividend will be paid in 3 years or that it will be covered by earnings.

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