EnviroGold Global Limited

CNSX:NVRO Stock Report

Market Cap: CA$16.5m

EnviroGold Global Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

CNSX:NVRO Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
28 Jun 24BuyCA$10,000Leah DionneIndividual200,000CA$0.05
07 Jun 24BuyCA$50,001Paul McRaeIndividual1,000,000CA$0.05
07 Jun 24BuyCA$25,000Allan BezansonIndividual500,000CA$0.05
07 Jun 24BuyCA$25,000Anderson Creagh LaiCompany500,000CA$0.05
07 Jun 24BuyCA$25,000David CamIndividual500,000CA$0.05
07 Jun 24BuyCA$25,000Harold WolkinIndividual500,000CA$0.05
30 May 24BuyCA$3,748John WalshIndividual93,000CA$0.04
22 May 24BuyCA$4,093John WalshIndividual100,000CA$0.041
21 May 24BuyCA$356John WalshIndividual9,000CA$0.04
15 May 24BuyCA$2,245John WalshIndividual50,000CA$0.045
13 May 24BuyCA$4,241John WalshIndividual100,000CA$0.045
03 May 24SellCA$40David CamIndividual968CA$0.041
05 Apr 24BuyCA$9,382John WalshIndividual200,000CA$0.049
20 Dec 23SellCA$1,199,997David CamIndividual5,000,000CA$0.24
18 Dec 23SellCA$28,809John WalshIndividual180,000CA$0.16
01 Dec 23SellCA$25,376John WalshIndividual159,500CA$0.16
24 Nov 23SellCA$46,833John WalshIndividual295,500CA$0.16
09 Nov 23BuyCA$7,432John WalshIndividual50,000CA$0.18
27 Oct 23BuyCA$3,603John WalshIndividual20,000CA$0.18
24 Oct 23BuyCA$10,449John WalshIndividual60,000CA$0.18
18 Oct 23BuyCA$3,634John WalshIndividual20,000CA$0.19
17 Oct 23BuyCA$3,655John WalshIndividual20,000CA$0.18
12 Oct 23BuyCA$3,772John WalshIndividual20,000CA$0.19

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: NVRO insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of NVRO?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Private Companies1,865,4700.793%
Individual Insiders101,038,76743%
General Public132,150,01756.2%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 16.7%.

Top Shareholders

Top 9 shareholders own 43.8% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
David Cam
70,762,470CA$5.0m10.1%no data
Allan Bezanson
16,784,979CA$1.2m3.07%no data
John Walsh
10,531,218CA$737.2k5.53%no data
Anderson Creagh Lai
1,865,470CA$130.6k36.6%no data
Harold Wolkin
1,278,750CA$89.5k64.2%no data
Paul McRae
1,000,000CA$70.0k0%no data
Philip Creagh
431,350CA$30.2k0%no data
Leah Dionne
250,000CA$17.5k400%no data
U.S. Global Investors, Inc.
75,000CA$5.3k0%no data