K's Holdings Corporation


시가총액: US$1.7b

K's Holdings 관리

관리 기준 확인 1/4

K's Holdings' CEO is Tadashi Hiramoto, appointed in Jun 2017, has a tenure of 6.17 years. directly owns 0.25% of the company’s shares, worth $4.05M. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 4.6 years and 2.2 years respectively.

주요 정보

Tadashi Hiramoto

최고 경영자


총 보상

CEO 급여 비율n/a
CEO 임기6.2yrs
CEO 소유권0.2%
경영진 평균 재임 기간4.6yrs
이사회 평균 재임 기간2.2yrs

최근 관리 업데이트

Recent updates


Tadashi Hiramoto (65 yo)



Mr. Tadashi Hiramoto has been the Chief Executive Officer of K's Holdings Corporation since 2019 and serves as its President and Chief Operating Offcier. He was Senior Managing Director of K's Holdings Cor...

리더십 팀

Tadashi Hiramoto
President6.2yrs데이터 없음0.25%
$ 4.0m
Yuji Yoshihara
Managing Executive Officerno data데이터 없음0.048%
$ 798.3k
Naoto Osaka
Managing Executive Officer4.6yrs데이터 없음0.14%
$ 2.3m
Keiichi Mizuno
Managing Executive Officer4.6yrs데이터 없음0.026%
$ 427.0k
Kiichi Yamada
Executive Officer and Chief Merchandising Officerno data데이터 없음데이터 없음
Taro Mizutani
Sr. Exec Officerno data데이터 없음0.0062%
$ 102.2k
Miyako Yasumura
Senior Executive Officer1.6yrs데이터 없음0.012%
$ 194.9k


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 관리: KSHO.F's management team is considered experienced (4.6 years average tenure).

이사회 구성원

Tadashi Hiramoto
Presidentno data데이터 없음0.25%
$ 4.0m
Yuji Yoshihara
Managing Executive Officer4.6yrs데이터 없음0.048%
$ 798.3k
Naoto Osaka
Managing Executive Officerno data데이터 없음0.14%
$ 2.3m
Keiichi Mizuno
Managing Executive Officer4.6yrs데이터 없음0.026%
$ 427.0k
Taro Mizutani
Sr. Exec Officer2.7yrs데이터 없음0.0062%
$ 102.2k
Miyako Yasumura
Senior Executive Officer1.6yrs데이터 없음0.012%
$ 194.9k
Wakako Tokuda
Independent Outside Director2.2yrs데이터 없음0.0017%
$ 27.9k
Nobuya Hori
Director2.2yrs데이터 없음0.030%
$ 501.3k
Shinji Hagiwara
Independent Outside Director2.2yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 이사회: KSHO.F's board of directors are not considered experienced ( 2.2 years average tenure), which suggests a new board.