BioGaia AB (publ)

OM:BIOG B 주식 보고서

시가총액: SEK 11.7b

BioGaia 관리

관리 기준 확인 3/4

현재 CEO에 대한 정보가 충분하지 않습니다.

주요 정보

Theresa Agnew

최고 경영자

SEK 6.8m

총 보상

CEO 급여 비율19.4%
CEO 임기1.5yrs
CEO 소유권n/a
경영진 평균 재임 기간3.8yrs
이사회 평균 재임 기간3.8yrs

최근 관리 업데이트

Recent updates

BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Soft Earnings Don't Show The Whole Picture

Oct 29
BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Soft Earnings Don't Show The Whole Picture

BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Has Announced That It Will Be Increasing Its Dividend To SEK6.90

Apr 25
BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Has Announced That It Will Be Increasing Its Dividend To SEK6.90

BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Shareholders Will Receive A Bigger Dividend Than Last Year

Apr 09
BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Shareholders Will Receive A Bigger Dividend Than Last Year

BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Has Announced That It Will Be Increasing Its Dividend To SEK6.90

Mar 26
BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Has Announced That It Will Be Increasing Its Dividend To SEK6.90

BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Will Pay A Larger Dividend Than Last Year At SEK6.90

Mar 09
BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Will Pay A Larger Dividend Than Last Year At SEK6.90

BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Has Announced That It Will Be Increasing Its Dividend To SEK6.90

Feb 24
BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Has Announced That It Will Be Increasing Its Dividend To SEK6.90

BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Upcoming Dividend Will Be Larger Than Last Year's

Feb 10
BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Upcoming Dividend Will Be Larger Than Last Year's

Here's Why We Think BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Might Deserve Your Attention Today

Nov 27
Here's Why We Think BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Might Deserve Your Attention Today

Calculating The Intrinsic Value Of BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B)

Sep 13
Calculating The Intrinsic Value Of BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B)

Does BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

Jun 02
Does BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

A Look At The Intrinsic Value Of BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B)

Apr 27
A Look At The Intrinsic Value Of BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B)

Do BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Earnings Warrant Your Attention?

Jan 14
Do BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Earnings Warrant Your Attention?

Do BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Earnings Warrant Your Attention?

Aug 26
Do BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Earnings Warrant Your Attention?

Does This Valuation Of BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B) Imply Investors Are Overpaying?

Jul 24
Does This Valuation Of BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B) Imply Investors Are Overpaying?

Calculating The Intrinsic Value Of BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B)

Apr 02
Calculating The Intrinsic Value Of BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B)

BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Shareholders Will Receive A Bigger Dividend Than Last Year

Feb 21
BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Shareholders Will Receive A Bigger Dividend Than Last Year

Need To Know: Analysts Are Much More Bullish On BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B) Revenues

Feb 09
Need To Know: Analysts Are Much More Bullish On BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B) Revenues

BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Upcoming Dividend Will Be Larger Than Last Year's

Feb 07
BioGaia's (STO:BIOG B) Upcoming Dividend Will Be Larger Than Last Year's

Some Shareholders May find It Hard To Increase BioGaia AB (publ)'s (STO:BIOG B) CEO Compensation This Year

Apr 29
Some Shareholders May find It Hard To Increase BioGaia AB (publ)'s (STO:BIOG B) CEO Compensation This Year

Key Things To Consider Before Buying BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B) For Its Dividend

Mar 25
Key Things To Consider Before Buying BioGaia AB (publ) (STO:BIOG B) For Its Dividend

The BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Share Price Is Up 90% And Shareholders Are Holding On

Mar 04
The BioGaia (STO:BIOG B) Share Price Is Up 90% And Shareholders Are Holding On

CEO 보상 분석

Theresa Agnew 의 보수는 BioGaia 의 수익과 비교하여 어떻게 변경되었나요?
날짜총 보상급여회사 수익
Dec 31 2024n/an/a

SEK 351m

Sep 30 2024n/an/a

SEK 337m

Jun 30 2024n/an/a

SEK 402m

Mar 31 2024n/an/a

SEK 371m

Dec 31 2023SEK 7mSEK 1m

SEK 365m

보상 대 시장: Theresa 의 총 보상 ($USD 667.63K )은 Swedish 시장에서 비슷한 규모의 회사의 평균 수준입니다( $USD 665.12K ).

보상과 수익: Theresa 의 보상을 회사 성과와 비교하기에는 데이터가 부족합니다.


Theresa Agnew (58 yo)



SEK 6,750,250


Ms. Theresa P. Agnew serves as President of BioGaia AB (publ) since September 2023 and serves as its Chief Executive Officer since 25 September 2023. She is a global business leader with consumer healthcar...

리더십 팀

Peter Rothschild
Founder & Chairman6.9yrsSEK 1.33m데이터 없음
Theresa Agnew
CEO & President1.5yrsSEK 6.75m데이터 없음
Alexander Kotsinas
Executive VP & CFO5.3yrsSEK 3.07m0.0030%
SEK 347.3k
Ludvig Milesson
Chief Operating Officer1.9yrs데이터 없음0.0012%
SEK 145.0k
Gianfranco Grompone
Chief Scientific Officer and VP of Research & Development5.2yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Caroline Mofors
Chief Legal Officer2.2yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Linda Hagglund
Vice President of Marketing3.8yrs데이터 없음0.0012%
SEK 138.0k
Angelika Kjelldorff
Chief HR Officer6.2yrs데이터 없음0.00049%
SEK 57.3k
Sebastian Heimfors
VP & Chief Commercial Officer3yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Jonathan Gromark
Sustainability Managerno data데이터 없음데이터 없음
Keitaro Nomura
MD & President of BioGaia Japan data데이터 없음데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 관리: BIOG B 의 관리팀은 경험 ( 3.8 년 평균 재직 기간)으로 간주됩니다.

이사회 구성원

Peter Rothschild
Founder & Chairman6.9yrsSEK 1.33m데이터 없음
David E. Dangoor
Independent Deputy Board Chairman22.2yrsSEK 590.00k1.73%
SEK 202.3m
Vesa Koskinen
Director1.8yrsSEK 275.00k데이터 없음
Barbro Friden
Director1.8yrsSEK 275.00k0.00049%
SEK 57.3k
Anthon Jahreskog
Independent Director9.8yrsSEK 405.00k0.0040%
SEK 466.6k
Vanessa Rothschild
Director4.8yrsSEK 275.00k0.00016%
SEK 18.7k
Benedicte Flambard
Director2.8yrsSEK 275.00k데이터 없음
Outi Armstrong
Director1.8yrsSEK 275.00k데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 이사회: BIOG B 의 이사회경험(평균 재직 기간 3.8 년)으로 간주됩니다.

기업 분석 및 재무 데이터 현황

데이터마지막 업데이트(UTC 시간)
기업 분석2025/03/19 00:02
장 마감 주가2025/03/19 00:00
연간 수익2024/12/31

데이터 소스

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애널리스트 출처

BioGaia AB (publ) 4 애널리스트 중 1 애널리스트가 보고서의 입력 자료로 사용된 매출 또는 수익 추정치를 제출했습니다. 애널리스트의 제출 자료는 하루 종일 업데이트됩니다.

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