AB Electrolux (publ)

OM:ELUX B 주식 보고서

시가총액: SEK 25.9b

AB Electrolux 관리

관리 기준 확인 2/4

현재 CEO에 대한 정보가 충분하지 않습니다.

주요 정보

Yannick Fierling

최고 경영자


총 보상

CEO 급여 비율n/a
CEO 임기less than a year
CEO 소유권n/a
경영진 평균 재임 기간4.2yrs
이사회 평균 재임 기간5yrs

최근 관리 업데이트

Recent updates

AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Just Released Its Annual Earnings: Here's What Analysts Think

Feb 03
AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Just Released Its Annual Earnings: Here's What Analysts Think

Fewer Investors Than Expected Jumping On AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B)

Dec 22
Fewer Investors Than Expected Jumping On AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B)

Is AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Using Too Much Debt?

Nov 25
Is AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Using Too Much Debt?

AB Electrolux (publ) Just Reported A Surprise Loss: Here's What Analysts Think Will Happen Next

Oct 29
AB Electrolux (publ) Just Reported A Surprise Loss: Here's What Analysts Think Will Happen Next

AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Might Not Be As Mispriced As It Looks

Aug 19
AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Might Not Be As Mispriced As It Looks

AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Just Released Its Second-Quarter Earnings: Here's What Analysts Think

Jul 22
AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Just Released Its Second-Quarter Earnings: Here's What Analysts Think

Health Check: How Prudently Does AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Use Debt?

Jul 20
Health Check: How Prudently Does AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Use Debt?

AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Just Released Its First-Quarter Results And Analysts Are Updating Their Estimates

Apr 30
AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Just Released Its First-Quarter Results And Analysts Are Updating Their Estimates

Potential Upside For AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Not Without Risk

Apr 23
Potential Upside For AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Not Without Risk

Is AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Using Debt In A Risky Way?

Mar 26
Is AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Using Debt In A Risky Way?

Earnings Update: AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Just Reported Its Full-Year Results And Analysts Are Updating Their Forecasts

Feb 05
Earnings Update: AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Just Reported Its Full-Year Results And Analysts Are Updating Their Forecasts

AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Has Debt But No Earnings; Should You Worry?

Nov 09
AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Has Debt But No Earnings; Should You Worry?

What Does AB Electrolux (publ)'s (STO:ELUX B) Share Price Indicate?

Oct 19
What Does AB Electrolux (publ)'s (STO:ELUX B) Share Price Indicate?

An Intrinsic Calculation For AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Suggests It's 35% Undervalued

Oct 03
An Intrinsic Calculation For AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) Suggests It's 35% Undervalued

Is AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Weighed On By Its Debt Load?

Jul 14
Is AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Weighed On By Its Debt Load?

At kr138, Is It Time To Put AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) On Your Watch List?

Jun 26
At kr138, Is It Time To Put AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B) On Your Watch List?

Estimating The Intrinsic Value Of AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B)

Jun 08
Estimating The Intrinsic Value Of AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B)

Estimating The Intrinsic Value Of AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B)

Feb 02
Estimating The Intrinsic Value Of AB Electrolux (publ) (STO:ELUX B)

These 4 Measures Indicate That AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Is Using Debt In A Risky Way

Jan 03
These 4 Measures Indicate That AB Electrolux (STO:ELUX B) Is Using Debt In A Risky Way

What Is AB Electrolux (publ)'s (STO:ELUX B) Share Price Doing?

Dec 19
What Is AB Electrolux (publ)'s (STO:ELUX B) Share Price Doing?


Yannick Fierling (52 yo)

less than a year


Mr. Yannick Fierling is President and Chief Executive Officer of AB Electrolux (publ) from January 1, 2025.

리더십 팀

Yannick Fierling
President & CEOless than a year데이터 없음데이터 없음
Therese Friberg
CFO and Head of Finance6.3yrs데이터 없음0.0083%
SEK 2.2m
Elena Breda
Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer2.1yrs데이터 없음0.0032%
SEK 825.8k
J. Iversen
Chief Information Officer8.2yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Ann-Sofi Jönsson
no data데이터 없음데이터 없음
Lars Petersen
Chief Human Resources Officer & Communication14.1yrs데이터 없음0.013%
SEK 3.3m
Nikos Bartzoulianos
CMO & Head of Sustainability - BA EAless than a year데이터 없음데이터 없음
Anna Ohlsson-Leijon
Grp EVP6.3yrs데이터 없음0.011%
SEK 2.8m
Ian Banes
Head of Product Line Care2.1yrs데이터 없음0.0059%
SEK 1.5m
Daniel Arler
Head of Product Line Taste2.1yrs데이터 없음0.0068%
SEK 1.8m
Ricardo Cons
CEO & Head of Business Area North America8.3yrs데이터 없음0.0029%
SEK 742.9k
Pernilla Johansson
Head of Design6.3yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 관리: ELUX B 의 관리팀은 경험 ( 4.2 년 평균 재직 기간)으로 간주됩니다.

이사회 구성원

Ulla Litzen
Independent Director8.8yrsSEK 1.25m0.0044%
SEK 1.1m
Daniel Nodhall
Directorless than a yearSEK 889.00k데이터 없음
Petra Hedengran
Director10.9yrsSEK 986.00k0.0059%
SEK 1.5m
Geert Follens
Directorless than a yearSEK 821.00k데이터 없음
David Porter
Independent Director8.8yrsSEK 739.00k0.0012%
SEK 318.4k
Torbjorn Loof
Chairmanless than a yearSEK 2.36m데이터 없음
Viveca Brinkenfeldt-Lever
Employee Representative Director7.1yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Michael Rauterkus
Directorless than a yearSEK 559.00k데이터 없음
Peter Ferm
Employee Representative Director7.1yrs데이터 없음0.000040%
SEK 10.4k
Karin Overbeck
Independent Director4.9yrsSEK 875.00k0.0012%
SEK 300.3k
Wilson Quispe
Employee Representative Director2.8yrs데이터 없음0.0018%
SEK 468.5k
Ulrik Danestad
Employee Representative Deputy Director5.1yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 이사회: ELUX B 의 이사회경험(평균 재직 기간 5 년)으로 간주됩니다.

기업 분석 및 재무 데이터 현황

데이터마지막 업데이트(UTC 시간)
기업 분석2025/02/21 09:03
장 마감 주가2025/02/21 00:00
연간 수익2024/12/31

데이터 소스

기업 분석에 사용된 데이터는 S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC의 데이터입니다. 이 보고서를 생성하기 위해 분석 모델에 사용된 데이터는 다음과 같습니다. 데이터는 정규화되어 있으므로 소스가 제공되기까지 지연이 발생할 수 있습니다.

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주요 개발 사항10년
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애널리스트 출처

AB Electrolux (publ) 39 애널리스트 중 10 애널리스트가 보고서의 입력 자료로 사용된 매출 또는 수익 추정치를 제출했습니다. 애널리스트의 제출 자료는 하루 종일 업데이트됩니다.

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