4iG Nyrt.

BUSE:4IG 주식 보고서

시가총액: Ft420.0b

4iG Nyrt 관리

관리 기준 확인 1/4

현재 CEO에 대한 정보가 충분하지 않습니다.

주요 정보

Fekete Peter Krisztian

최고 경영자


총 보상

CEO 급여 비율n/a
CEO 임기5.1yrs
CEO 소유권n/a
경영진 평균 재임 기간less than a year
이사회 평균 재임 기간3yrs

최근 관리 업데이트

Recent updates

Optimistic Investors Push 4iG Nyrt. (BUSE:4IG) Shares Up 25% But Growth Is Lacking

Jan 22
Optimistic Investors Push 4iG Nyrt. (BUSE:4IG) Shares Up 25% But Growth Is Lacking

We Think 4iG Nyrt (BUSE:4IG) Is Taking Some Risk With Its Debt

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We Think 4iG Nyrt (BUSE:4IG) Is Taking Some Risk With Its Debt

We Think 4iG Nyrt (BUSE:4IG) Is Taking Some Risk With Its Debt

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We Think 4iG Nyrt (BUSE:4IG) Is Taking Some Risk With Its Debt

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Here's Why 4iG Nyrt (BUSE:4IG) Can Manage Its Debt Responsibly

An Intrinsic Calculation For 4iG Nyrt. (BUSE:4IG) Suggests It's 34% Undervalued

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An Intrinsic Calculation For 4iG Nyrt. (BUSE:4IG) Suggests It's 34% Undervalued

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Should You Be Adding 4iG Nyrt (BUSE:4IG) To Your Watchlist Today?

We Think 4iG Nyrt (BUSE:4IG) Can Manage Its Debt With Ease

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We Think 4iG Nyrt (BUSE:4IG) Can Manage Its Debt With Ease

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Does 4iG Nyrt. (BUSE:4IG) Have A Place In Your Dividend Portfolio?

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Could The 4iG Nyrt. (BUSE:4IG) Ownership Structure Tell Us Something Useful?

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We're Not So Sure You Should Rely on 4iG Nyrt's (BUSE:4IG) Statutory Earnings

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Fekete Peter Krisztian





Mr. Fekete Peter Krisztian serves as Member of Executive Board and Director at 4iG Nyrt. since 2020 and serves as its Deputy General Manager for Acquisitions since March 2022 and served as its Deputy CEO o...

리더십 팀

Jaszai Zoltan
Chairman of the Board of Directors & Member of the Executive Board5.9yrsFt39.16m12.31%
HUF 51.7b
Fekete Peter Krisztian
CEO, Member of Executive Board5.1yrsFt38.67m데이터 없음
Csaba Thurzó
Group Chief Financial Officerno data데이터 없음데이터 없음
Zsolt Szilika
Member of the Executive Board5.1yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Albert Kis
Group Chief Wholesale and Infrastructure Officerless than a year데이터 없음데이터 없음
Tamas Tabori
Deputy CEO for Telecommunications Strategyless than a year데이터 없음데이터 없음
Mohamed Elsayad
Group Chief Business Development & Innovation Officerless than a year데이터 없음데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간

경험이 풍부한 관리: 4IG 의 관리팀은 경험 (평균 재직 기간 0.6 년)으로 간주되지 않으므로 새로운 팀을 추천합니다.

이사회 구성원

Jaszai Zoltan
Chairman of the Board of Directors & Member of the Executive Board5.9yrsFt39.16m12.31%
HUF 51.7b
Fekete Peter Krisztian
CEO, Member of Executive Board5.1yrsFt38.67m데이터 없음
Toth Zsolt
Directorno dataFt26.49m데이터 없음
Pedro Santos David
Directorno dataFt1.42m데이터 없음
Adam Aladin
Vice Chairman of the Board2.4yrsFt99.95m데이터 없음
Blenessy Laszlo
Director5.1yrsFt27.87m데이터 없음
Rozsa Ildiko
Member of Supervisory Committee2.9yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Fellegi Laszlo Tamas
President of Supervisory Committee3.1yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Gergely Boszormeny-Nagy
Member of Supervisory Committee2.1yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Dagmar Steinert
Member of Supervisory Committee2.1yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간

경험이 풍부한 이사회: 4IG 의 이사회경험(평균 재직 기간 3 년)으로 간주됩니다.

기업 분석 및 재무 데이터 현황

데이터마지막 업데이트(UTC 시간)
기업 분석2025/02/10 08:12
장 마감 주가2025/02/10 00:00
연간 수익2023/12/31

데이터 소스

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