VERB Panoramica delle azioni Verb Technology Company, Inc. sviluppa, attraverso le sue controllate, una piattaforma di applicazioni Software-as-a-Service. Maggiori dettagli
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Aggiungi notaVerb Technology Company, Inc. Concorrenti Storia dei prezzi e prestazioni
Riepilogo dei massimi, dei minimi e delle variazioni dei prezzi delle azioni per Verb Technology Company Prezzi storici delle azioni Prezzo attuale dell'azione US$6.02 Massimo di 52 settimane US$184.60 Minimo di 52 settimane US$5.05 Beta 0.51 Variazione di 1 mese -32.66% Variazione a 3 mesi -46.35% Variazione di 1 anno -82.25% Variazione a 3 anni -99.95% Variazione a 5 anni -99.94% Variazione dall'IPO -100.00%
Notizie e aggiornamenti recenti
Verb Technology Company, Inc. Regains Nasdaq Listing Compliance Oct 28
The Nasdaq Hearing Panel Amends the Exception Granted to Verb Technology Company, Inc., Stating the Company Has Until October 22, 2024, to Complete Reverse Stock Split to Regain Compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) Oct 08
Nasdaq Hearings Panel Grants Verb Technology Company a Temporary Exception Until October 21, 2024 to Regain Compliance with the Bid Price Rule Sep 05 Verb Technology Company, Inc. has withdrawn its Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of $68.4 million. Sep 03
Verb Technology Company Timely Requests a Hearing Before the Nasdaq Hearings Panel Aug 13
Verb Technology Company, Inc., Annual General Meeting, Sep 26, 2024 Aug 05 Vedi altri aggiornamenti
Verb Technology Company, Inc. Regains Nasdaq Listing Compliance Oct 28
The Nasdaq Hearing Panel Amends the Exception Granted to Verb Technology Company, Inc., Stating the Company Has Until October 22, 2024, to Complete Reverse Stock Split to Regain Compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) Oct 08
Nasdaq Hearings Panel Grants Verb Technology Company a Temporary Exception Until October 21, 2024 to Regain Compliance with the Bid Price Rule Sep 05 Verb Technology Company, Inc. has withdrawn its Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of $68.4 million. Sep 03
Verb Technology Company Timely Requests a Hearing Before the Nasdaq Hearings Panel Aug 13
Verb Technology Company, Inc., Annual General Meeting, Sep 26, 2024 Aug 05
New major risk - Market cap size Jul 25
First quarter 2024 earnings released: US$0.11 loss per share (vs US$1.34 loss in 1Q 2023) May 12
VERB’s Healthy Balance and Enhanced Shareholder Equity Behind Nasdaq’s Grant of 6-Month Extension to Regain Compliance with Bid Price Rule May 03
Verb Technology Company, Inc.'s Adds Another 100 Retail Brands to Its Livestream Social Shopping Platform Apr 24
Full year 2023 earnings: EPS and revenues miss analyst expectations Apr 02
Verb Technology Company, Inc. Announces its Latest Technological Integration Achievement with META Mar 15 Verb Technology Company, Inc. has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of $20 million. Feb 16
Verb Technology Company, Inc. has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of $20 million. Feb 15
Verb Technology Company Expects to Regain Compliance with the Stockholders’ Equity Requirement of Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) for Continued Listing Feb 06
Verb Technology Company, Inc. Adds Five Premier Beauty and Trending Cosmetics Brands to Its Livestream Social Shopping Platform Jan 09
Consensus EPS estimates upgraded to US$2.98 loss, revenue downgraded Dec 19 Verb Technology Company, Inc. has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of $0.96 million. Dec 16
Verb Technology Receives Notification Letter from Nasdaq Regarding Non-Compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement Under Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 5550(A)(2) Nov 09
Consensus revenue estimates fall by 75% Aug 21
New major risk - Negative shareholders equity Aug 17
Second quarter 2023 earnings: Revenues exceed analysts expectations while EPS lags behind Aug 16
Price target decreased by 81% to US$25.00 Aug 15
Verb Technology Company, Inc., Annual General Meeting, Aug 18, 2023 Jul 01
Scaleworks Inc. entered into an agreement to acquire DIRECT SALES BUSINESS ASSETS of Verb Technology Company, Inc. for $6.5 million. Jun 22 Scaleworks Inc. entered into an agreement to acquire DIRECT SALES BUSINESS ASSETS of Verb Technology Company, Inc. for $6.5 million. Jun 21
Verb Technology Company, Inc. to Report Q1, 2023 Results on May 22, 2023 May 20 Verb Technology Company, Inc. announced delayed 10-Q filing May 16
VERB Regains Compliance with Nasdaq Minimum Bid Price Requirement May 05
Full year 2022 earnings: EPS and revenues miss analyst expectations Apr 18 Verb Technology Company, Inc. announced that it has received $6.3 million in funding from Tumim Stone Capital LLC, 3i, LP, EOM Management, Ltd., Nomis Bay Ltd. Jan 27
Verb Technology Company, Inc. has completed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of $7.2102 million. Jan 26
Verb Technology Company, Inc. has completed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of $7.2102 million. Jan 25
Consensus revenue estimates fall by 23% Nov 21
Third quarter 2022 earnings: EPS and revenues miss analyst expectations Nov 17
Price target decreased to US$2.63 Nov 16
Verb Technology Company, Inc. to Report Q3, 2022 Results on Nov 14, 2022 Nov 10
Verb Technology Company, Inc., Annual General Meeting, Oct 21, 2022 Sep 07
Price target increased to US$3.25 Aug 24
The Consensus EPS Estimates For Verb Technology Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:VERB) Just Fell Dramatically Aug 24
Consensus forecasts updated Aug 22
Second quarter 2022 earnings: EPS and revenues miss analyst expectations Aug 17
Verb Technology Q2 2022 Earnings Preview Aug 12
Verb Technology Company, Inc. to Report Q2, 2022 Results on Aug 15, 2022 Aug 06
Stemtech adopts sales software by Verb Technology Jul 25
Consensus forecasts updated May 23
First quarter 2022 earnings: EPS and revenues miss analyst expectations May 18 Verb Technology Company, Inc. to Report Q1, 2022 Results on May 16, 2022 May 10
Price target decreased to US$3.42 Apr 27
Verb Technology Company, Inc. Market Livestream Shopping Platform Now Drives Sales for Musicians, Artists, Authors, and Other Digital Content Creators Apr 20
Verb Technology Company, Inc. Adds John Rizzo to the Leadership Team of MARKET, its Livestream Shopping Platform Apr 19
Verb Technology Company, Inc. Market Livestream Shopping Platform Debuts Standalone Storefronts Apr 14
Consensus forecasts updated Apr 07
Verb Technology Company, Inc. Provides Revenue Guidance for the Year 2022 Apr 03
Full year 2021 earnings: EPS and revenues miss analyst expectations Apr 02
Price target decreased to US$4.13 Apr 01
Kate Eckman Joins Verb Technology Company as SVP, Programming and Talent Acquisition Feb 11
Verb Technology Company, Inc. announced that it expects to receive $55.25 million in funding from Tumim Stone Capital LLC, 3i, LP, EOM Management, Ltd., Nomis Bay Ltd. Jan 14
Is Verb Technology Company (NASDAQ:VERB) Using Too Much Debt? Dec 09
Vectoring In On Verb Technology Dec 02
Third quarter 2021 earnings released: US$0.14 loss per share (vs US$0.18 loss in 3Q 2020) Nov 18
Shareholders May Be More Conservative With Verb Technology Company, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:VERB) CEO Compensation For Now Oct 16
Does Verb Technology Company (NASDAQ:VERB) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet? Aug 25
Second quarter 2021 earnings released: US$0.19 loss per share (vs US$0.12 loss in 2Q 2020) Aug 18
Verb Technology Company, Inc. to Introduce A I Capability to its Line-Up of Sales Tools Jul 29
Price target increased to US$3.50 Jul 24
CFO & Treasurer exercised options to buy US$99k worth of stock. Jul 18
VERB Announces General Commercial Release of verbMAIL for Microsoft Outlook Jul 15
Price target decreased to US$2.63 May 28
Consensus forecasts updated May 27
Founder exercised options to buy US$223k worth of stock. May 24
First quarter 2021 earnings released: US$0.16 loss per share (vs US$0.23 loss in 1Q 2020) May 15
Consensus forecasts updated Apr 07
Auditors Are Concerned About Verb Technology Company (NASDAQ:VERB) Apr 07 Rendimenti per gli azionisti VERB US Software US Mercato 7D -15.2% -2.2% -2.4% 1Y -82.3% 22.4% 23.4%
Vedi i rendimenti completi degli azionisti
Ritorno vs Industria: VERB ha avuto una performance inferiore rispetto al US Software che ha registrato un rendimento 22.4 % nell'ultimo anno.
Rendimento vs Mercato: VERB ha avuto una performance inferiore al mercato US che ha registrato un rendimento 23.4 % nell'ultimo anno.
Volatilità dei prezzi Is VERB's price volatile compared to industry and market? VERB volatility VERB Average Weekly Movement 29.7% Software Industry Average Movement 7.9% Market Average Movement 6.3% 10% most volatile stocks in US Market 16.8% 10% least volatile stocks in US Market 3.1%
Prezzo delle azioni stabile: Il prezzo delle azioni di VERB è stato volatile negli ultimi 3 mesi.
Volatilità nel tempo: La volatilità settimanale di VERB è diminuita da 36% a 30% nell'ultimo anno, ma è comunque superiore al 75% delle azioni US.
Informazioni sull'azienda Fondato I dipendenti AMMINISTRATORE DELEGATO Sito web n/a 22 Rory Cutaia
Verb Technology Company, Inc. sviluppa, attraverso le sue controllate, piattaforme applicative Software-as-a-Service. Offre, una piattaforma di social shopping livestream, che consente a marchi, rivenditori e creatori di trasmettere eventi di shopping su vari canali di social media, nonché servizi che vanno dalla produzione di eventi livestream alla consulenza per host ed eventi, nonché programmi di drop ship e creatori. L'azienda fornisce anche verbCRM, un'applicazione per la gestione delle relazioni con i clienti; verbLEARN, un'applicazione per il sistema di gestione dell'apprendimento; verbLIVE, un'applicazione interattiva di livestream eCommerce; e verbPULSE, un'applicazione di business/augmented notification e sales coach.
Mostra di più Verb Technology Company, Inc. Riepilogo dei fondamenti Come si confrontano gli utili e i ricavi di Verb Technology Company con la sua capitalizzazione di mercato? VERB statistiche fondamentali Capitalizzazione di mercato US$5.98m Guadagni(TTM ) -US$10.92m Ricavi(TTM ) US$201.00k
Guadagni e ricavi Statistiche chiave sulla redditività dall'ultima relazione sugli utili (TTM) VERB Conto economico (TTM ) Ricavi US$201.00k Costo del fatturato US$102.00k Profitto lordo US$99.00k Altre spese US$11.02m Guadagni -US$10.92m
Ultimi guadagni dichiarati
Sep 30, 2024
Prossima data di guadagno
Utile per azione (EPS) -11.00 Margine lordo 49.25% Margine di profitto netto -5,432.84% Rapporto debito/patrimonio netto 0.7%
Come si è comportato VERB nel lungo periodo?
Vedi performance storica e confronto
Analisi aziendale e situazione dei dati finanziari Dati Ultimo aggiornamento (ora UTC) Analisi dell'azienda 2024/12/22 12:41 Prezzo dell'azione a fine giornata 2024/12/20 00:00 Guadagni 2024/09/30 Guadagni annuali 2023/12/31
Fonti dei dati I dati utilizzati nella nostra analisi aziendale provengono da S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC . I seguenti dati sono utilizzati nel nostro modello di analisi per generare questo report. I dati sono normalizzati, il che può comportare un ritardo nella disponibilità della fonte.
Pacchetto Dati Tempistica Esempio Fonte USA * Dati finanziari della società 10 anni Conto economico Rendiconto finanziario Bilancio Stime di consenso degli analisti +3 anni Previsioni finanziarie Obiettivi di prezzo degli analisti Prezzi di mercato 30 anni Prezzi delle azioni Dividendi, scissioni e azioni Proprietà 10 anni Top azionisti Insider trading Gestione 10 anni Team di leadership Consiglio di amministrazione Sviluppi principali 10 anni
* esempio per i titoli statunitensi, per quelli non statunitensi si utilizzano forme e fonti normative equivalenti.
Se non specificato, tutti i dati finanziari si basano su un periodo annuale ma vengono aggiornati trimestralmente. Si tratta dei cosiddetti dati TTM (Trailing Twelve Month) o LTM (Last Twelve Month). Per saperne di più , cliccate qui .
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Scoprite il team di livello mondiale che ha progettato e realizzato il modello di analisi Simply Wall St.
Metriche di settore e industriali Le nostre metriche di settore e di sezione sono calcolate ogni 6 ore da Simply Wall St; i dettagli del nostro processo sono disponibili su .
Fonti analitiche Verb Technology Company, Inc. è coperta da 2 analisti. 1 di questi analisti ha fornito le stime di fatturato o di utile utilizzate come input per il nostro report. Le stime degli analisti vengono aggiornate nel corso della giornata.
Analista Istituzione Edward Woo Ascendiant Capital Markets LLC Jon Hickman Ladenburg Thalmann & Company
Mostra 0 altri analisti