Axon Partners Group, S.A.

DB:XE1 Rapporto sulle azioni

Cap. di mercato: €77.0m

Axon Partners Group Gestione

Gestione criteri di controllo 0/4

We currently do not have sufficient information about the CEO.

Informazioni chiave

Alfonso de León

Amministratore delegato


Compenso totale

Percentuale dello stipendio del CEOn/a
Mandato del CEOno data
Proprietà del CEOn/a
Durata media del management1.8yrs
Durata media del Consiglio di amministrazioneNessun dato

Aggiornamenti recenti sulla gestione

Recent updates


Alfonso de León

no data


Mr. Alfonso de León is the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Partner & Director at Axon Partners Group, S.A. He served as a Founder, Managing Partner, Partner and Director at the firm. Prior to that he was...

Gruppo dirigente

Francisco Velázquez de Cuéllar
Founderno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Alfonso de León
CEO, Managing Partner & Directorno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Dimitri Kallinis
CEO, Managing Partner & Directorno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Javier Martínez de Irujo
Chief Financial Officer1.8yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Fayna Perez
HR Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
Iván Feito
Partner1.8yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Mauro Yovane
Partner1.8yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Jorge Martínez Morando
Partner15.8yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Dikmen Edgu
Partnerno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Álvaro Neira
Partnerno dataNessun datoNessun dato
Miguel Vallone
Partnerno dataNessun datoNessun dato
María Victoria Capote
Manager ESG & CSRless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media

Gestione esperta: XE1's management team is not considered experienced ( 1.8 years average tenure), which suggests a new team.