Resumen de acción THR Thor Energy Plc se dedica a la exploración y explotación de propiedades mineras en Australia. Saber más
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Añadir notaCompetidores de Thor Energy Plc Historial de precios y rendimiento
Resumen de las cotizaciones máximas, mínimas y variaciones del Thor Energy Precios históricos de las acciones Precio actual de la acción UK£0.007 Máximo en las últimas 52 semanas UK£0.025 Mínimo de 52 semanas UK£0.0061 Beta 0.34 Cambio en 1 mes -9.68% Variación en 3 meses -15.15% Cambio de 1 año -54.84% Variación en 3 años -89.23% Variación en 5 años -84.44% Variación desde la OPV -99.97%
Noticias y actualizaciones recientes
New major risk - Shareholder dilution Dec 13
Thor Energy plc Provides Update Uranium Drilling - Groundhog, Colorado USA Dec 10 Thor Energy plc Announces Retirement of Ray Ridge as Chief Financial Officer
Thor Energy plc Announces Uranium Drilling Commences Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain Projects, USA Nov 05
Thor Energy Plc, Annual General Meeting, Nov 28, 2024 Nov 02
Thor Energy Plc, Annual General Meeting, Nov 28, 2024 Nov 01 Ver más actualizaciones
New major risk - Shareholder dilution Dec 13
Thor Energy plc Provides Update Uranium Drilling - Groundhog, Colorado USA Dec 10 Thor Energy plc Announces Retirement of Ray Ridge as Chief Financial Officer
Thor Energy plc Announces Uranium Drilling Commences Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain Projects, USA Nov 05
Thor Energy Plc, Annual General Meeting, Nov 28, 2024 Nov 02
Thor Energy Plc, Annual General Meeting, Nov 28, 2024 Nov 01
Thor Energy Plc, Annual General Meeting, Nov 28, 2024 Oct 31 Thor Energy Plc has completed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of £1 million. Oct 26
Less than half of directors are independent Oct 15
Thor Energy plc Announces Board Changes Oct 08
Thor Energy plc Provides Uranium Exploration Update Sep 24
New minor risk - Financial data availability Sep 20
Thor Energy Plc Announces Uranium Drill Approvals Granted Aug 12
New major risk - Shareholder dilution Jul 11
Price target decreased by 56% to UK£0.04 May 29 Thor Energy Plc has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.3 million. May 15
Thor Energy Plc has filed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of AUD 1.3 million. May 14
Price target increased by 127% to UK£0.091 May 01
Price target decreased by 56% to UK£0.04 Jan 26
Thor Energy Plc, Annual General Meeting, Nov 29, 2023 Nov 03
New minor risk - Financial data availability Sep 29
Here's Why We're Watching Thor Energy's (LON:THR) Cash Burn Situation Aug 31
Thor Mining plc Provides Uranium Drilling Results from the Recently Completed Drilling Program At the 100%-Owned Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain Projects Dec 22
Thor Mining plc Announces Drilling Results and Correction to Prior Result Dec 16
Thor Mining plc Provides an Exploration Update on Rock Chip Sampling at the Kelly's NE Prospect at the Company's Ragged Range Project Dec 07
Thor Mining PLC, Annual General Meeting, Jan 04, 2023 Nov 30
Price target decreased to UK£0.04 Nov 16
Less than half of directors are independent Nov 16
Thor Mining PLC Provides Initial Drill Results from Kelly's Ridge Prospect, Ragged Range, Located in the Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia Nov 05
Thor Mining PLC Provides Exploration Update for the Ragged Range Project, in the Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia Oct 26
Thor Mining PLC, Annual General Meeting, Nov 17, 2022 Oct 25
Thor Mining PLC, Annual General Meeting, Nov 17, 2022 Oct 24
Thor Mining plc Commences Drilling Program At 100% Owned Kelly's Prospect Within the Ragged Range Project, Located in Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia Oct 10
Thor Mining PLC Announces Uranium Drilling Commences Wedding Bell Project USA Sep 26
Thor Mining PLC Announces Anomalous Nickel Assays Results from RC Drilling Have Been Returned and That an Off-Hole Conductive Anomaly Has Been Identified from A Subsequent Down-Hole Electromagnetic Geophysics Survey At the Krona Prospect Sep 20
Thor Mining plc Provides an Exploration Update on the Company's 100% Owned Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain Uranium and Vanadium Projects in the Uravan Mineral Belt, USA, Ragged Range Gold-Nickel Project in the Pilbara, WA and Molyhil Tungsten-Molybdenum Project, NT Sep 07
ThorThor Mining PLC Announces Commencement of Close Spaced Airborne Survey over the North-Eastern Portion of the it's 100% Owned Ragged Range Project, Located in Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia Aug 02
Thor Mining PLC Announces Molyhil Extension Drilling Update, Molyhil Project NT Jul 28
Thor Mining plc Provides an Exploration Update on Sampling and Mapping Programs At 100% Owned Ragged Range Project, Located in Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia Jul 25
Thor Mining PLC Announces the Completion of the Drilling Program at it's 100% Owned Ragged Range Project, Located in Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia Jul 12
Thor Mining PLC Announces the Completion of the Drilling Program at it's 100% Owned Ragged Range Project, Located in Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia Jul 11
Thor Mining plc Announces Directors Change Jun 30
Thor Mining PLC Announces Uranium and Vanadium Drilling Approvals Received, USA Jun 22 Thor Mining plc Commences Drilling Program At Ragged Range Project, Located in Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia Jun 21
Thor Mining plc Completes Electromagnetic Geophysics Survey over the Nickel Gossan At the Krona Prospect Jun 17
Thor Mining plc Announces Electromagnetic Geophysics Survey over the Nickel Gossan Now Referred to as the Krona Prospect Has Commenced At the 100% Owned Ragged Range Project, Located in the Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia May 08
Price target decreased to UK£0.026 Apr 27
Less than half of directors are independent Apr 27
Thor Mining plc Provides Significant Update on the Wedding Bell Project, Located in the Uranium-Vanadium Mining District Within the Uravan Mineral Belt, Southwest Colorado, USA Apr 04
Thor Mining PLC Announces Lithium Field Program Commences, Ragged Range, WA Mar 31
Thor Mining plc Provides an Update on the Alford East Copper-Gold Project, South Australia Feb 22
Thor Mining plc Provides an Exploration Update on the Lithium Prospectivity at the Ragged Range Project Jan 27
Thor Mining PLC Provides Gold Exploration Update, Ragged Range WA Jan 25
Thor Mining plc Announces Third Follow Up Diamond Drillhole (21MHDD003) At the Molyhil Critical Minerals Project, Northern Territory Dec 08
Thor Mining Plc Provides Update on Diamond Drilling Program At Northern Territory Nov 24
Executive Chairman Michael Billing has left the company Sep 10
Executive Chairman Michael Billing has left the company Sep 06
Thor Mining PLC Announces Completion of Initial Drilling Program Aug 27
Thor Mining PLC has completed a Follow-on Equity Offering in the amount of £0.8 million. Aug 12
Thor Mining PLC Announces Ragged Range Exploration Update Jun 23
Thor Mining PLC Announces Drilling Commences at Alford East Copper-Gold ISR Project, South Australia Jun 11
Thor Mining plc Announces Successful Application of the Molyhil Project as Part of Round 14 Geophysics and Drilling Collaborations (GDC) Program Jun 04
Thor Mining Plc Announces the Successful Application of the Alford East Copper-Gold Project as Part of Round 2 of the Accelerated Discovery Initiative May 21
Thor Mining plc Provides Exploration Update on U.S. Uranium-Vanadium Project Mar 19
Thor Mining PLC Announces Maiden Copper-Gold Mineral Resource Estimate Alford East ISR Project, South Australia Jan 28
Thor Mining PLC (AIM:THR) completed the acquisition of E46/1340 and E46/1354 from Redstone Metals Pty Ltd. Jan 15
Thor Mining PLC (AIM:THR) signed a non-binding Term Sheet to acquire E46/1340 and E46/1354 from Redstone Metals Pty Ltd. for AUD 0.76 million. Nov 24
Thor Mining PLC Announces Management Changes Oct 31
Thor Mining PLC Announces Completion of the Third Phase of Gold Geochemistry Reconnaissance at the 100% Owned Pilbara Goldfield Tenements in Western Australia Oct 16
Thor Mining plc Announces Pilbara Goldfields Ragged Range Project Historic Stream Sediment Samples Correlate with 13Km Gold Trend Oct 08
Thor Mining plc Commences Close Spaced Airborne Magnetics Survey over the 100% Owned Ragged Range Project Oct 06
Thor Mining PLC (AIM:THR) acquired American Vanadium Pty Ltd from Coral Brook Pty Ltd, Celtic Capital Pty. Ltd., Paranoid Enterprises Pty Ltd and Hollywood Marketing (WA) Pty Ltd. for AUD 0.27 million. Sep 18 Rentabilidad de los accionistas THR GB Metals and Mining Mercado GB 7D -11.9% -3.8% -2.2% 1Y -54.8% -14.0% 2.4%
Ver rendimientos de los accionistas
Rentabilidad vs. Industria: Los resultados de THR fueron inferiores a los de la industria UK Metals and Mining, que obtuvo un rendimiento del -14% el año pasado.
Rentabilidad vs. Mercado: THR obtuvo unos resultados inferiores a los del mercado UK, que fueron del 2.4% el año pasado.
Volatilidad de los precios Is THR's price volatile compared to industry and market? THR volatility THR Average Weekly Movement 9.2% Metals and Mining Industry Average Movement 7.8% Market Average Movement 4.8% 10% most volatile stocks in GB Market 10.5% 10% least volatile stocks in GB Market 2.6%
Precio estable de las acciones: El precio de las acciones de THR ha sido volátil en los últimos 3 meses.
Volatilidad a lo largo del tiempo: La volatilidad semanal de THR(9%) se ha mantenido estable durante el último año, pero sigue siendo superior al 75% de las acciones de UK.
Acerca de la empresa Thor Energy Plc se dedica a la exploración y explotación de propiedades mineras en Australia. Explora yacimientos de uranio, vanadio, cobre, wolframio, molibdeno, oro, litio, níquel y otros minerales. La empresa tiene intereses en los proyectos de uranio Wedding Bell y Radium Mountain, situados en Colorado, y en el proyecto Vanadium King, situado en el sureste de Utah.
Mostrar más Resumen de fundamentos de Thor Energy Plc ¿Cómo se comparan los beneficios e ingresos de Thor Energy con su capitalización de mercado? Estadísticas fundamentales de THR Capitalización bursátil UK£3.58m Beneficios(TTM ) -UK£2.47m Ingresos (TTM ) n/a
0.0x Ratio precio-ventas (PS)
-1.4x Ratio precio-beneficio (PE) Beneficios e Ingresos Estadísticas clave de rentabilidad del último informe de resultados (TTM) Cuenta de resultados (TTM ) de THR Ingresos UK£0 Coste de los ingresos UK£0 Beneficio bruto UK£0 Otros gastos UK£2.47m Beneficios -UK£2.47m
Últimos beneficios comunicados
Jun 30, 2024
Próxima fecha de beneficios
Beneficios por acción (BPA) -0.0048 Margen bruto 0.00% Margen de beneficio neto 0.00% Ratio deuda/patrimonio 0%
¿Cómo se ha desempeñado THR a largo plazo?
Ver rendimiento histórico y comparativa
Análisis de la empresa y estado de los datos financieros Datos Última actualización (huso horario UTC) Análisis de la empresa 2024/12/23 18:35 Precio de las acciones al final del día 2024/12/23 00:00 Beneficios 2024/06/30 Ingresos anuales 2024/06/30
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Paquete Datos Marco temporal Ejemplo Fuente EE.UU. * Finanzas de la empresa 10 años Cuenta de resultados Estado de tesorería Balance Estimaciones del consenso de analistas +3 años Previsiones financieras Objetivos de precios de los analistas Precios de mercado 30 años Precios de las acciones Dividendos, escisiones y acciones Propiedad 10 años Accionistas principales Información privilegiada Gestión 10 años Equipo directivo Consejo de Administración Principales avances 10 años
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Fuentes analistas Thor Energy Plc está cubierta por 2 analistas. 0 de esos analistas presentaron las estimaciones de ingresos o ganancias utilizadas como datos para nuestro informe. Las estimaciones de los analistas se actualizan a lo largo del día.
Analista Institución Michael Green Growth Equities & Company Research Roger Hardman Hardman & Co.
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