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VK Balance Sheet Health

Finanzielle Gesundheit Kriterienprüfungen 2/6

VK has a total shareholder equity of RUB158.9B and total debt of RUB172.8B, which brings its debt-to-equity ratio to 108.8%. Its total assets and total liabilities are RUB415.6B and RUB256.8B respectively.

Wichtige Informationen


Verhältnis von Schulden zu Eigenkapital




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Analyse der Finanzlage

Kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten: VKCO's short term assets (RUB161.8B) exceed its short term liabilities (RUB98.2B).

Langfristige Verbindlichkeiten: VKCO's short term assets (RUB161.8B) exceed its long term liabilities (RUB158.6B).

Geschichte und Analyse des Verhältnisses von Schulden zu Eigenkapital

Verschuldungsgrad: VKCO's net debt to equity ratio (57.6%) is considered high.

Schulden abbauen: VKCO's debt to equity ratio has increased from 0% to 108.8% over the past 5 years.

Schuldendeckung: VKCO's debt is not well covered by operating cash flow (5.1%).

Zinsdeckung: Insufficient data to determine if VKCO's interest payments on its debt are well covered by EBIT.


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