ARM (NASDAQ:ARM) the company who's tech you find in almost every smartphone, tablet, and more recently in all modern mainstream Apple devices (M series chips) are a perfectly suited to harness the new "AI hotness" such as DeepSeek.
While ARM did sell much of its stake in it's subsidiary (ARM China), ARM is now looking to sell directly to China and is well positioned to design chips which meet or sidestep export controls.
To grasp the idea of how the game has changed, you can find an array of post of enthusiast running DeepSeek on low powered Raspberry Pi's which are small low cost USB powered micro computers using ARM processors. No longer is it necessary to have a high powered chip to do moderate computation.
Others in the industry have noticed this which is why companies such as Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) are planning to build ARM based PC chips. Others such as Qualcomm already offer their ARM based Snapdragon laptops from Samsung, Lenovo, and others offering both ARM chips running ARM based Windows and ChromeOS platforms. You will also find ARM powered devices such as the Meta (NASDAQ: META) Quest 3 VR headset.
FANGs including Alphabet's Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) and Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) already are well known for running custom server hardware in their datacenters and I expect a shift will continue where more, power efficient ARM based hardware is in big techs ecosystems.
ARM debuted on the NASDAQ on September 14 2023 at an IPO price of ~$51.00 per share. It did not take long for the $ARM stock to gain 142% to $147.60 per share as of closing on Jan 29th 2025.
A paradigm shift on how this will reshape business and enterprise software is not just coming, it's already here. ARM's platform looks to be the future of chips and processing capability.
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